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Vår 2018

INF-2201 Operating system fundamentals - 20 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for informatikk

Type of course

The course can be taken as a singular course.

Course overlap

D-240 Operating systems 15 stp

Course contents

The course provides a thorough introduction to operating system. Topics include threads and processes, process coordination and synchronization, physical and virtual storage organization, interrupt handling, peripheral devices and file systems. The exercises include both analysis of abstractions, and their design and implementation. During the course each student will develop a running operating system kernel for an Intel x86 based computer.

Application deadline

Applicants from Nordic countries: 1 June for the autumn semester and 1 December for the spring semester. Exchange students and Fulbright students: 15 April for the autumn semester and 1 October for the spring semester.

Admission requirements

Admission requirements: Higher Education Entrance Qualification + specific entrance requirements equivalent to MATRS: R1/(S1+S2). Application code: 9354 - Singular course in computer science

Objective of the course

Knowledge; students should get:

Skills; students should be able to:

General competence; students should get

Language of instruction

The language of instruction is English and all of the syllabus material is in English. Examination questions will be given in English, but may be answered either in English or a Scandinavian language.

Teaching methods

Lectures: 60 hours, Colloquium: 60 hours, Laboratory: 60 hours. The course is given every spring semester.


Deliverables: Submission of 6 mandatory assignments (projects) is required to fullfill the course. Oral presentation of the assignments and demonstration of a working system can be claimed.  Each of the 6 assignments consist of 1) a design review and possibly a demonstration of a working system, and 2) a practical programming assignment.  All design reviews and some of the practical programming assignments are evaluated as "Approved" / "Not approved". Fullfilling the course requires that all of these are approved. The remaining practical programming assignments are parts of portfolio exam and will be considered more carefully towards a single final grade in the range A-F.  NB! Attendance at the first lecture is mandatory. Students must expect an intensive coursework from the start. 

Grading scale: Letter grades A-F.

Re-sit examination: It will not be given a re-sit examination in in this course.

Postponed examination: Students with valid grounds for absence will be offered a postponed examination for the module in question. If practically possible the examination are arranged during the semester as soon as the reasons for absence have ceased. 

For further details see:  - Utfyllende bestemmelser for eksamener ved Fakultet for naturvitenskap og teknologi (only in Norwegian)  - Regulations for examinations at the UiT

Recommended reading/syllabus

Syllabus and reading list are available in Canvas / Fronter or by contacting the responsible teacher or a student adviser.