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Vår 2018
INF-2201 Operating system fundamentals - 20 stp
The course is administrated by
Type of course
Course overlap
Course contents
Application deadline
Admission requirements
Objective of the course
Knowledge; students should get:
- fundamental concepts of operating systems
- fundamental knowledge of various approaches to development of operating systems
- experience on fundamental issues of developing operating systems
Skills; students should be able to:
- develop their own working operating systems
- design and combine different techniques to build an operating system with required features
General competence; students should get
- understanding of how to design and develop operating systems
- understanding of the tradeoffs between performance and functionality, division of labor between hardware and software.
Language of instruction
Teaching methods
Deliverables: Submission of 6 mandatory assignments (projects) is required to fullfill the course. Oral presentation of the assignments and demonstration of a working system can be claimed. Each of the 6 assignments consist of 1) a design review and possibly a demonstration of a working system, and 2) a practical programming assignment. All design reviews and some of the practical programming assignments are evaluated as "Approved" / "Not approved". Fullfilling the course requires that all of these are approved. The remaining practical programming assignments are parts of portfolio exam and will be considered more carefully towards a single final grade in the range A-F. NB! Attendance at the first lecture is mandatory. Students must expect an intensive coursework from the start.
Grading scale: Letter grades A-F.
Re-sit examination: It will not be given a re-sit examination in in this course.
Postponed examination: Students with valid grounds for absence will be offered a postponed examination for the module in question. If practically possible the examination are arranged during the semester as soon as the reasons for absence have ceased.
For further details see: - Utfyllende bestemmelser for eksamener ved Fakultet for naturvitenskap og teknologi (only in Norwegian) - Regulations for examinations at the UiT