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Vår 2018

SOA-3004 Minoritet, identitet og grenser - 10 stp

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Institutt for samfunnsvitenskap


Dette er et valgemne for masterstudenter i sosialantroplogi og kan inngå i andre samfunnsvitenskapelige masterprogram.

Kan tas som enkeltemne.

Emnet undervises intensivt i januar og februar.

Emnet tilbys med forbehold om at minimum 3 studenter registrerer seg for emnet.


Emnet tar for seg tilnærminger til sosiokulturelle fellesskap og forskjelligheter i moderne samfunn. Teorier om forholdet mellom personlig og sosial identitet i minoritetsgrupper og subkulturer blir vektlagt, likeledes forholdet mellom minoritet og majoritet i nasjonal og global sammenheng.


1. juni for emner som tilbys i høstsemesteret. 1. desember for emner som tilbys i vårsemesteret.


Bachelorgrad i sosialantropologi eller tilsvarende.

Hva lærer du

Etter bestått emne skal studentene ha følgende læringsresultat:

Kunnskaper og forståelse:

- ha oversikt over faghistoriske kontekster for bruk av identitetsbegrepet

- ha kunnskaper om alternative tilnærminger til sosiokulturelle felleskaper og forskjelligheter i moderne samfunn


- kunne være kritisk til anvendelse av analytiske begreper og perspektiver

- kunne skille mellom analytisk og empirisk argumentasjon


- kunne identifisere og drøfte grunnlagstematikker knyttet til komparasjon

- kunne overføre teoretiske innsikter til utvalgte og nye empiriske forskningsfelter

Undervisnings- og eksamensspråk

Undervisning på norsk eller engelsk.

Eksamensspråk er norsk, svensk, dansk eller engelsk.


Undervisningen består av forelesninger og seminarer på til sammen 10 dobbeltimer.



Karaktergivende eksamen består av en hjemmeoppgave (essay) på ca.3500 ord (ca.10 sider) som skrives over oppgitt tema.

Karakterskala fra A-E for bestått og F for ikke bestått.

Sensur blir offentliggjort i StudentWeb senest tre uker etter eksamensdato.


Det arrangeres kontinueringseksamen ved karakteren F.

Dato for eksamen

Hjemmeoppgave utlevering 01.02.2018 innlevering 08.03.2018

Eksamensdato er foreløpig og vil kunne bli endret. Endelig eksamensdato kunngjøres ved oppslag på det enkelte fakultet primo mai for vårsemesteret og primo november for høstsemesteret.


BØKER (420 -470 sider)

Erikson, Thomas Hylland. Ethnicity and Nationalism: Anthropological Perspectives: Third Edition. Pluto Press. 220 Sider 

Case Study: Students will select one other book from a list provided; they can also submit a book of their choice for approval by the course responsible. Ca 200 ¿ 250 sider

KOMPENDIUM (289 sider)

Barth, Fredrik, 2000. ¿Boundaries and Connections.¿ In Cohen, Anthony, Signifying Identities: Anthropological perspectives on boundaries and contested values. London, Routledge. 19 sider

Billinger, Michael, 2007. `Another Look at Ethnicity as a Biological Concept Moving Anthropology: Beyond the Race Concept.¿ Critique of Anthropology. 27(1) 5¿35. 30 sider

Bjerkli, Bjørn, 2003: "People-nature relations: Local ethos and ethnic consciousness." In Roepstorff, A., Bubandt, N., & Kull K. (eds.): Imagining nature. Practices of Cosmology and Identity. Aarhus, Aarhus University Press. 20 sider  

Briggs, Jean, 2000 "Conflict Management in a Modern Inuit Community." In: Megan Biesele, Robert Hitchcock, & Peter P. Schweitzer (eds), Hunters and Gatherers in the Modern World: Conflict, Resistance, and Self-Determination, Providence, R.I.: Berghahn Books, 2000, 111-124. 13 sider

Cohen, Anthony P., 2000. Discriminating relations: Identity, boundary and authenticity. Introduction to Cohen, Anthony, Signifying Identities: Anthropological perspectives on boundaries and contested values. London, Routledge. 1-13. 13 sider

Comaroff, John and Jean Comaroff, 2009. Chapter 4: Commodifying Descent, American Style, 60¿85 OR Chapter 5: A Tale of Two Ethnicities. Ethnicity Inc. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 86-116. 25/30 s

Eidheim, Harald, 1971 "When Ethnic Identity is a Social Stigma." Aspects of the Lappish Minority Situation. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. 20 sider

Gupta Akhil and James Fergusen, 1992. ¿Beyond Culture: Space, Identity, and the Politics of Difference.¿ Cultural Anthropology 7:1, pp. 6-23. 17 sider

Kapferer, Bruce, 1995: "Bureaucratic erasure. Identity, resistance and violence- Aborigines and a discourse of autonomy in a North Queensland town." In Miller, David (ed.): Worlds Apart. Modernity Through the Prism of the Local. London & New York: ASA Series, Routledge. 21 sider

Kenrick, Justin and Jerome Lewis, 2004: Indigenous peoples, rights and the politics of the term `indigenous¿. Anthropology Today, vol. 20 no. 2: 4-9. 6 sider

Kradolfer, Sabine, 2011: `(Self)essentialisation of Cultural Differences: How peoples and states play hide-and-seek¿ Anthropological Notebooks 17:2, 37-53. 17 sider

Ogbu, John and Herbert Simons, 1998. Voluntary and Involuntary Minorities: A cultural-ecological theory of school performance with some implications for education. Anthropology and Education Quarterly 29(2):155-188 20 sider

Olsen, Kjell, 2003. The Touristic Construction of the ¿Emblematic¿ Sami. Acta Borealia, 20(1):3-20 17 sider (you can also choose the Olsen article in Norwegian, in supplementary readings)

Ortner, Sherry B., 1998: "Identities: The Hidden Life of Class." Journal of Anthropological Research, vol. 54, no. 1, Spring. 17 sider

Saugestad, Sidsel, 2012. Regional and indigenous identities in the high north: enacting social boundaries. Polar Record 48, 229-335. 6 sider

Shneiderman, Sara, 2014. Reframing Ethnicity: Academic Tropes, Recognition beyond Politics, and Ritualized Action between Nepal and India. American Anthropologist, 116:2, 279¿295 16 sider

Warnke, Georgia, 2005. Race, Gender, and Antiessentialist Politics. Signs, 31:1 p. 93-116. 24 sider


GENDER CASE STUDIES (choice of 2, minimum 28 pages)

Goulet, Jean Buy, 1996. The `Berdache¿/¿Two spirit¿: A comparison of Anthrpoological and Native Constructions of Gendered Identities Among the Northern Athapaskans. In The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 2:4, 683:701. (20 sider)

Lorway, Robert, 2008. Defiant desire in Namibia: Female sexual/gender transgression and the making of political being. American Ethnologist, 35:1, 20-33 (14 sider)

McGrellis, Sheena 2005, ¿Pure and bitter spaces: gender, identity and territory in Northern Irish youth transitions.¿ Gender and Education 17:5, pp. 515¿529 (14 sider)

Peletz, Michael G. 2006. ¿Transgenderism and Gender Pluralism in Southeast Asia since Early Modern Times.¿ Current Anthropology, 47:2 pp. 309-340 (32 sider)

Sylvain, Renee. 2011. ¿At the intersections: San women and the rights of indigenous peoples in Africa.¿ The International Journal of Human Rights 15:1, p. 89¿110 (20 sider)

Vale de Almeieda, Miguel. 1997. ¿Gender, masculinity and power in southern Portugal.¿ Social Anthropology, 5:2, 141-158. (17 sider)

Valentine, David 2007. ¿Imagining Transgender.¿ Chapter 1 in Valentine, David Imagining Transgender: an ethnography of a category, Durham, Duke University Press, 29-65 (36 sider)

Wilkins, Amy. 2012. ¿`Not Out to Start a Revolution¿: Race, Gender, and Emotional Restraint among Black University Men.¿ Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 41:1, 34¿65. (21 sider)


EDUCATION CASE STUDIES (choice of 2, minimum 29 pages)

Aveling, Nado, 2012. Indigenous studies: A matter of social justice, a matter of urgency. Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education, 6, 99-114. (15 sider)

Barnhardt, Carol. 1999. Standing Their Ground: The Integration of Community and School in Quinhagak, Alaska. Canadian Journal of Native Education, 23:1 100-116 (16 sider)

Hays, Jennifer. 2016. Who owns education? Schooling, learning and livelihood for the Nyae Nyae Ju|¿hoansi. Journal of Namibian Studies, 20 (2016): 37¿61 (24 sider)

Hogan, Maureen. 2008. The Tale of Two Noras: How a Yup¿ik middle schooler was differently constructed as a math learner. Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education, 2: 90-114. (25 sider)

Kanu, Yama, 2007. Increasing School Success among Aboriginal Students: Culturally Responsive Curriculum or Macrostructural Variables Affecting Schooling? Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education, 1:21-41 (20 sider)

Manuelito, Kathryn. 2005. The Role of Education in American Indian Self-Determination: Lessons from the Ramah Navajo Community School. Anthropology and Education Quarterly 36:1 73-87 (14 sider)

Murillo, Luz. 2009. `This Great Emptiness we are Feeling¿: Toward a Decolonization of Schooling in Simunurwa, Columbia. Anthropology and Education Quarterly40: 421-437 (16 sider)


Abu-Lughod 2002: ¿Do Muslim Women really Need Saving? Anthropological Reflections on Cultural Relativism and Its Others.¿ American Anthropologist Vol. 104:3

Anderson, Benedict. 1991. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origins and Spread of Nationalism. Revised. London: Verso.

Anderson, Astrid 2003: "Landscapes of Sociality. Paths, Places and Belonging on Wogeo Island Papua New Guinea." In Hoem, Ingjerd & Roalkvam, Sidsel (eds.): Oceanic Socialities and Cultural Forms. Ethnographies of Experience. New York & Oxford: Berghahn Books 19 sider

Appadurai, Arjun. 1996. Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization. Minneapolis: Univeristy of Minnesota Press.

Banks, Marcus. 1996. Ethnicity: Anthropological Constructions. London: Routledge.

Barth, Fredrik (ed). 1969. Ethnic Groups and Boundaries: the Social Organization of Culture Difference. London: George Allen and Unwin. pp. 1-15.

Barth, F. 1994. Manifestasjon og prosess. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. 

Briggs, Jean 1970. ¿Kapluna Daughter: Living with Eskimos.¿ Golde (ed.) Women in the Field, Aldine Publishing Company

Campbell, John R. and Alan Rew (eds.) 1999. Identity and Affect: Experiences of Identity in a Globalising World. Pluto Press, London.

Cohen, Anthony. 1994. Self-Consciousness: An Alternative Anthropology of Identity. London: Routledge.

Cohen, Abner. 1974. "The Lesson of Ethnicity". In Urban Ethnicity. (ed.) Abner Cohen. London: Tavistock. ix-xxxiii.

Comaroff, John and Jean Comaroff 2009. Ethnicity Inc. Chicago, University of Chicago Press.

Cornell, Stephen and Douglas Hartmann. 2007. Ethnicity and Race: Making Identities in a Changing World. Pine Forge Press, California.

Crenshaw, Kimberle 1989. Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics. University of Chicago Legal Forum, 139-167.

Donnan, Hastings & Thomas M. Wilson. 1999. Borders: Frontiers of Identity, Nation and State. Oxford: Berg.

Du Gay, Paul, Jessica Evans, & Peter Redman. 2000. Identity: a Reader. London: Sage

Fardon, Richard. 1987. `African ethnogenesis¿: Limits to the comparability of ethnic phenomena, I L. Holy, L. (ed.), Comparative Anthropology. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 20 s.

Geertz, Clifford. 1994. Primordial and civil ties. I J. Hutchinson and A. Smith (red.), Nationalism, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 29-34.

Gellner, Ernest. 1983. Nations and Nationalism. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

Giddens, Anthony. 1991. Modernity and Self-Identity. Cambridge: Polity

Gupta, Akhil & James Ferguson (eds.). 1997. Culture, Power, Place: Explorations in Critical Anthropology. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press.

Hall, Stuart and Paul DuGay1996. Questions of Cultural Identity. London, Sage Publications

Handler, Richard 1994: "Is 'Identity' a Useful Cross-cultural Concept?" In Gilles, John R. (ed.): Commemorations. The Politics of National Identity. New Jersey: Princeton University Press 14 sider

Hobsbawm, Eric J. 1990. Nations and Nationalism since 1780: Programme, Myth, Reality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hobsbawm, E.J. 1992 "Ethnicity and nationalism in Europe today", Anthropology Today, Vol 8(1):3-13.

Håland, Gunnar. 1969. Economic determinants in ethnic processes. In Ethnic groups and boudaries, edited by F. Barth. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. 58-73. 15 s.

Jenkins, Richard, 1997. Rethinking Ethnicity: Arguments and Explorations. London: Sage Publications

Konstantinov, Julian, Kressel, Gideon M. & Thuen, Trond 1998: "outclassed by former outcasts: petty trading in Varna." American Ethnologist 25(4): 729-745 16 sider

Kymlicka, Will. 2001. Politics in the Vernacular: Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Citizenship. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kymlicka, Will 2001: ¿Theorising Indigenous Rights¿ in W. Kymlicka: Politics in the Vernacular. Nationalism, Multiculturalism and Citizenship. Oxford University Press.

Malkki, Lisa. 1995 Purity and Exile: Violence, Memory, and National Cosmology among Hutu Refugees in Tanzania. Chicago University Press.

Montagu, Ashley, 1962. The Concept of Race. American Anthropologist, 64:919-928. 10 sider

Moore, Henrietta. 1994. A Passion for Difference: Essays in Anthropology and Gender. Cambridge: Polity.

Olsen, Kjell, 2011. Fefo, reinsdyr og andre vederstyggeligheter: Om urfolk, staten og Finnmarkingene. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift vol. 22(2),116¿133.

Rapport, Nigel & Andrew Dawson (eds.) 1998. Migrants of Identity: Perceptions of Home and Improvement in a World of Movement. (Ethnicity and Identity). Oxford, New York: Berg.

Robbins, Richard H. 1973: "Identity, Culture and Behavior." In Honigman, J. (ed.): Handbook of social and cultural anthropology. Rand McNally series. 22 sider 

Saugestad, Sidsel. (2001): Dette besværlige urfolksbegrepet. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift 12 (1-2):34-41.

Shapiro, Ian and Will Kymlicka (eds) 1997. Ethnicity and Group Rights. New York Univeristy Press, New York.

Sökefeld, Martin 1999. ¿Debating Self, Identity, and Culture in Anthropology.¿ Current Anthropology, 40:4 pp. 417-448 (30 sider)

Snyder, Katherine A. 2002: "Modern Cows and Exotic Trees: Identity, Personhood and Exchange among the Iraqw of Tanzania." Ethnology, vol. 41, no. 2, 155-173 18 sider

Taylor, Charles 1994: ¿The politics of recognition¿ in Gutman (ed) Multiculturalism. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Thuen, Trond. 1991. Meaning and transaction in Sami ethnopolitics. ISV skriftserie A-41. Universitetet i Tromsø.

Warnke, Georgia. 2007. After Identity: Rethinking Race, Sex and Gender. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Wimmer, Andreas. 2013. Ethnic Boundary Making: Institutions, Power, Networks. Oxford Scholarship Online

Østerud, Øyvind. 1990. Norge i våre hjerter: Internasjonaliseringen og det nasjonale. Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning 31:211-25.