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Høst 2016

KJE-8704 BIOSTRUCT - Structure guided drug discovery and design - 5 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for kjemi

Type of course

Theoretical and practical subject. The course is available as a Biostruct course

Course contents

This course reviews how modern drug discovery increasingly includes a diverse range of tasks that benefit from the knowledge of the atomic structures of drug binding sites and their interactions with drugs. International and internal speakers will review: retrospective studies on the structural mechanisms of classical drugs, structures of drug target classes, evaluation of “druggability”, de-novo and substrate based hit generation, structure guided screen design, scaffold swapping, in vitro and in silico binding site characterization (fragment/solvent screens, cheminformatic fragmentization), lead optimization, structure guided synthesis strategies (hit explosion, diversity oriented synthesis), and late stage processes, including prediction of and reaction to drug resistance. Presentation of these topics aims to remain fundamentally grounded in the basic chemistry of protein-ligand interactions, chemical reactivity in biological environments, chemical synthetic methods, enzyme kinetics, thermodynamics and cheminformatics. Lectures will be accompanied by computer and literature exercises, and students will propose and follow up with a project, optionally integrated with their thesis research. The candidate will acquire experience with a diverse range computer-based tasks relevant to target structure based drug design. The topics include target structure evaluation, hit characterization, data mining and multidimensional analysis, and the selection of synthetic approaches to generate chemical libraries. This learning will be expanded in depth by application to the specific research interests of the student in a research proposal and report to be completed following the course.

Admission requirements

PhD students or holders of a Norwegian master´s degree of five years or 3+ 2 years (or equivalent) may be admitted. Valid documentation is a statement from your institution that you are a registered PhD student, or a Master´s Diploma with Diploma Supplement / English translation of the diploma. PhD students are exempt from semester fee.

Students should have basic knowledge in organic chemistry and biochemistry.

PhD students at UiT The Arctic University of Norway register for the course through StudentWeb by 1 September.

External applicants apply for admission through SøknadsWeb by 1 June. Application code 9303.

All external applicants have to attach a confirmation of their status as a PhD student from their home institution. Students who hold a Master of Science degree, but are not yet enrolled as a PhD-student have to attach a copy of their master's degree diploma. These students are also required to pay the semester fee.

More information regarding PhD courses at the Faculty of Science and Technology is found here

Objective of the course


Properties of drugs and drug targets •

Biophysical methods and screening •

Workflows •

Synthetic medicinal chemistry •

Skills •

General competence •

Language of instruction

The language of instruction is English and all of the syllabus material is in English. Examination questions will be given in English

Teaching methods

Lectures: 15 h, Practical sessions: 30 h PC-based exercises


A research proposal will be written based on course skill and research interests; a report will be written describing the results of that research. Pass/fail grades will be assigned according to the assessment of the quality of the research proposal (10%), research report (50%), and final oral examination after submission of the report (40%).

Recommended reading/syllabus

Pensum consists of lecture slides and reference articles taken from periodicals.