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Vår 2016

GEO-8131 Deformation processes - 5 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for geovitenskap

Type of course

This course is available for Ph.D. students only.

Course contents

Brittle and viscous deformation processes will be explained. Flow laws, extrapolation and rheological principles will be covered. The associated and diagnostic microstructures and textures will be analysed. The theoretical knowledge will be complemented with lab sessions using thin sections and exercises.

Admission requirements

Registration deadline for PhD students at UiT - The Arctic University of Norway: February 1st

Application deadline for external applicants: December 1st


To take PhD courses you need to have at least a master's degree or equivalent.


PhD students at UiT The Arctic University of Norway register for the course through StudentWeb . Registrations for the spring semester starts December 1st, unless an earlier date is specified in the application deadline.

External applicants apply for admission through SøknadsWeb. Registrations for the spring semester starts October 1st.


All external applicants have to attach a confirmation of their status as a PhD student from their home institution.
Students who hold a Master of Science degree, but are not yet enrolled as a PhD-student have to attach a copy of their master's degree diploma. These students are also required to pay the semester fee.


More information regarding PhD courses at the Faculty of Science and Technology is found here.

Objective of the course

The course should teach students to recognize and analyse deformation microstructures in rocks and minerals. The students should be able to identfy deformation processes and use them to infer some rheological properties after completing the course.

Language of instruction


Teaching methods

The course is tough as a short course over a period of one week. Teaching includes lectures and practicals.


Home assignment, 10 pages.

Grading scale: Letter grades A-F, whereof F is fail.

Recommended reading/syllabus

Available from teacher on request.