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Høst 2015

LIN-8002 Language Acquisition - 5 stp

The course is administrated by

Institutt for språkvitenskap

Type of course

This course is an introductory PhD course in the CASTL Forskerskole in Linguistics. It can be taken as a part of subject-specific theory and methodology in the instruction component.

Course contents

Basic research introduction to Language Acquisition. PhD students will be given a grounding in recent developments in language acquisition, including both established results and modern experimental techniques.

Application deadline

1 June 2015 (for external PhD-students) 1-10 June 2015 (for PhD-students from UiT).

Admission requirements

Master degree and admission to a PhD programme, program option Linguistics.

Objective of the course

Students who successfully complete this course should have achieved the following learning outcomes: Knowledge: PhD students have gained a solid foundation in the field of language acquisition. This includes knowledge of classic results and techniques. Skills and competences: The students have begun to develop skills in linguistic hypothesis formation and logical argumentation, and to understand the relationship between data and interpretation.

Language of instruction


Teaching methods

Session-based teaching:


Week 38 / 14-18 September: 8 hours (12-16 day 1, 10-12 and 13-15 day 2)

Week 43 / 19-23 October: 9 hours (12-16 day 1, 10-12 and 13-16 day 2)

Uke 49 / 30 November - 4 December: 9 hours (12-16 day 1, 10-12 and 13-16 day 2)


A 5,000-8,000 word paper on a topic or problem to be solved, as assigned by the lecturer. The paper is to be written in English. The terms of assessment for examination: pass/fail. Submission deadline: 14 December 2015.

Recommended reading/syllabus

Approx. 500 pages.