autumn 2020
SPL-3012 Nordic Planning Methods: Arctic field course - 15 ECTS

Type of course

The course is obligatory for students in Nordic Urban Planning Studies, and may not be taken as a single course.

Course content

The course involves field studies in a Nordic city. The course integrates theoretical understanding and reflections on regional development with analytical tools to study ongoing processes of urban development in a Nordic context. The focus is on how planning methods and tools are used and combined in ongoing planning processes involving conflict management and resolution. The course will address issues both in relation to the urban core, such as the compact city, cultural heritage, etc., and processes of interaction between the urban centre and the regional periphery. The course materials and syllabus will cover theories of planning and development of cities and regions, methods of urban analysis (e.g. statistical analysis, socio-cultural location analysis, mapping and research ethics) and insight into planning practice and planning documents.

Objectives of the course

The students have the following learning outcomes:


The student has:

  • A fundamental understanding of fieldwork methods.
  • Analytical understanding of the driving force behind urbanisation and regional development.
  • An understanding of the dynamics between players at various geographical levels - local and global forces.


The student is able to / can:

  • Use available data sources, undertake participant observation and apply qualitative interview techniques.
  • Competent use of methodological tools relevant to the study and practice of urban planning, urban development and process management.
  • Work in a group, both in the ongoing academic discussions and when writing a field report after the field trip.
  • Use visualisation.


  • Competencies to use relevant methodological tools in the planning and analysis of urban development.
  • Competencies to understand processes and conflicts in planning processes.
  • Competencies to navigate between different professional skills in planning processes.

Language of instruction and examination

The language of instruction and examination is English.

Teaching methods

The field course will consist of one-week of field studies in an urban region in Northern Norway, ten lectures (2 x 45 minutes), six seminars and four workshops.


The following coursework requirements must be completed and approved in order to take the final exam:

Mandatory participation in the field studies, including preparations and writing of the field report

The exam will consist of:

Field report (written in groups) and individual oral presentation of reflections on the group work. The oral presentation may adjust the grading of the field report.

The exam will be assessed on an A-F grades scale. Grades are A-E for passed and F for failed.

Recommended reading/syllabus

Pensumliste for SPL-3012 Arctic Fieldcourse
  • About the course
  • Campus: Tromsø |
  • ECTS: 15
  • Course code: SPL-3012
  • Tidligere år og semester for dette emnet