The NorduGrid Conference - From Data Factories to Insight as a Service

The theme this year of the Annual NorduGrid Conference held in Tromsø is "From Data Factories to Insight as a Service".

The Annual NorduGrid Conference is the major annual gathering of the scientific community around ARC middelware, and thus brings together people from data intensive science and distributed computing.

The program this year includes Three major topics - data factories, future Computing and knowledge building, as well as a workshop June 27.

The Annual NorduGrid Conference will take place in Tromsø: Aud 1.022, Teknologibygget.

The Conference is free of charge for participants from UiT. 


Starter: 27.06.17 kl 08.00
Slutter: 30.06.17 kl 18.00
Hvor: Teknologibygget
Sted: Tromsø
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