BIO-8007 Coping with media (1 ECTS)

What is a good story and how can I communicate my research to the general public through social and conventional media? How does it feel being interviewed by a journalist and how does it look like on video? Talk and write about your own research and refine your arguments on why your research is important.

Read more about the course here, and register at Studentweb through the course catalogue.

This course is organised by High North Academy and is primarily for PhD Candidates. If available seats, PostDocs and others may participate by sending a request to by 1 February.

Schedule 2017

Registration deadline 1 February 2017.

Starter: 21.02.17 kl 09.15
Slutter: 22.02.17 kl 16.00
Hvor: NFH D-111
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: alle
Ansvarlig: Arve Lynghammar
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