Search Smart – Learn how to get the most out of the library’s resources

Learn how to use the library database Oria in a smart and efficient way.

The course lasts 1,5 hours, and consists of a demonstration of Oria and excercises where you can practice your search skills.

In order to write your exams or thesis, you will need to do research. That includes being able to find relevant articles and other literature. This course will teach you to be more effective at finding the resources that are right for you. In addition, you will learn how to order literature from other libraries, and how to renew your books so you can enjoy them for longer.

The course is taught in English and is open to anyone.

Når: 29.03.16 kl 10.15–12.00
Hvor: TEO-H3 3.416 PC-lab PJ-library
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: alle
Ansvarlig: Astrid Sømhovd

Frist: 29.03.2016
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