Iulie Aslaksen

Iulie Aslaksen is senior researcher in environmental economics at the research department of Statistics Norway. Her research areas include sustainable development indicators, biodiversity and the Nature Index. With broad experience, from oil price models to feminist economics, she explores ecological economics as an interdisciplinary approach to economics. She was member of the Norwegian expert committee on values of ecosystem services (NOU 2013:10). Iulie Aslaksen is project leader for ECONOR III, which will produce the report The Economy of the North 2015, following up the two previous ECONOR-reports.

The purpose of the ECONOR project is to strengthen the social science and economic perspective in Arctic research, in connection with interdisciplinary research on climate change impacts and sustainable development.

The Economy of the North – The Human Dimension

The Economy of the North: The Human Dimension - Iulie Aslaksen, Statistics Norway from UArctic on Vimeo.

The Arctic is becoming a “hot spot” in terms of increased global demand for natural resources, with large impacts on Arctic nature and societies. The purpose of the ECONOR project is to give an overview of economy, living conditions and environment in the Arctic, under the conditions generated by economic globalisation and climate change. Approaches and indicators are needed that express the human dimension – the well-being of Arctic people – under the large changes taking place. The ECONOR reports describe living conditions by social indicators, with distinct patterns across the Arctic regions. More knowledge is needed on how socio-economic conditions may affect the capacity of individuals and communities for dealing with and adapting to the urgency of societal and climatic change.

The Economy of the North: The Human Dimension - Iulie Aslaksen, Statistics Norway from UArctic on Vimeo.

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