Ownership and rights to research data: policies and agreements

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This webinar is for employees at UiT working with research projects involving several parties, both internally at the institution or externally. The aim of the webinar is to give researchers and research administration an overview of the rights related to research data. During the webinar we discuss what rights to data, researchers, UiT and collaboration partners have.   

In addition, the webinar deals with internal matters: agreements with master students, phd-students, guest researchers, participants in externally funded projects.   


There will be plenty of time questions, comments, and discussion. 


For more information about research data management at UiT, see the UiT Research Data Portal. 


The webinar is hosted by Svetlana P. Johansen and Margit Ramberg



Når: 27.04.22 kl 12.15–13.15
Hvor: Zoom
Sted: Digitalt
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Studenter
Lenke: Klikk her
Kontakt: Helene N Andreassen
Telefon: 776 45735
E-post: researchdata@hjelp.uit.no

Frist: 26.04.2022
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