Prøveforelesning André Rondestvedt

Master i yrkespedagogikk André Rondestvedt holder prøveforelesning over oppgitt emne for ph.d.-graden i humaniora og samfunnsvitenskap.  

Disputas avholdes kl 12:15 samme dag og sted, hvor det vil være offentlig forsvar av avhandlingen: "Yrkesretting og praktisk anvendelse av fellesfagene. En studie av yrkesutdanningens arbeid med yrkesretting av fellesfag ved de teknologiske programområdene elektrofag, teknikk og industriell produksjon og transport og logistikk"

Yrkesretting og fagfornying: Utfordringer og muligheter for fellesfagene i en fremtidig skole.

Populærvitenskapelig sammendrag:
The drop-out rate in Norwegian vocational education is a major problem, both personally for those involved, and for society in general. The lack of relevance of the core subjects for vocations is mentioned as one of the reasons for the low completion rate. In this study I am examining the learning process methods and the integration of subject content when making the core subjects more vocational, based on the vocations’ practical work tasks. The empirical selection in the study was three vocational college classes; first year electro trades, first year technical trades and industrial production, and second year transport trades. The college’s internal documents have been analysed according to the work tasks’ subject content, problem-based learning and group work. Observations have been made of pupils’ actions at college that are related to the implementation of problem-based learning and group work in the more vocational core subjects. In addition, pupils and teachers of core subjects and programme subjects have been interviewed individually and in groups. I have also noted my own reflections as a researcher during the field work. The results in the study show a need for more vocational core subjects and the practical application of the core subjects. It is positive for pupils’ desire to learn when the starting point is the pupils’ practical actions with problems that are relevant for their vocation and work tasks in the college’s workshops. The most significant was the core subject mathematics. The interaction in group work worked in both heterogeneous and homogeneous groups, however a cooperative heterogeneous group composition is recommended for longer projects.

Avhandlingen er tilgjengelig i Munin: 





Når: 17.10.19 kl 10.15–11.00
Hvor: Qvigstad audiotorium, Campus Mellomveien 110
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte, Studenter, Gjester / eksterne
Kontakt: Silje Sivertsvik
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