Ønsker du å utvikle deg som terapeut og kunne dra nytte av tilbakemeldinger?

Scott Miller besøker Tromsø 8.-10. april 2019 for å gi fagfolk opplæring i bruk av FIT og Deliaberate Practice.


Illustrasjonsfoto: Colourbox

Disse to metodene skal gi terapeuter i spesialisthelsetjenesten mulighet til å bedre kunne skreddersy behandlingen for den enkelte klient og i tillegg kunne bruke tilbakemeldinger fra klienter som grunnlag for å utvikle seg selv som terapeut.

Scott Miller (PhD) er leder for Center for Clinical Exellence (ICCE) og har utviklet tilbakemeldingsskjemaene ORS og SRS som brukes i FIT (Feedback Informed Treatement) sammen med Barry Duncan. FIT består av to tilbakemeldingsskalaer, ORS (Outcome Rating Scale) og SRS (Session Rating Scale).

ORS forteller oss om det vi gjør sammen med folk, er til hjelp for dem, om de får det bedre. SRS gir oss tilbakemelding på hvordan de opplever samarbeidet med oss.



Ønsker du kun å delta på dag 1 og 2, gi beskjed på: rkbunord@helsefak.uit.no innen 2.april.

 Deltakere som ikke er ansatt i Helse Nord blir fakturert for dagpakke og lunsj, samlet kr 1000 for alle tre dager. 



8.-10. April: Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT): Improving the Quality and Outcome of Behavioral Health Services One Person at a Time (2 dager). Deliberate Practice (1 dag).

Opplæring i FIT er et enkel, valid og reliabelt alternativ til å utnytte effekten av behandling, basert på å bruke gjentakende tilbakemeldinger for å skreddersy tilbudet til den enkelte klients behov og karakteristikker.

Bevisst målrettet trening (Deliberate Practice) handler om at den terapeut bevisst bruker tilbakemeldinger fra klientene for å som grunnlag for egen utvikling. Les mer her: https://psykologtidsskriftet.no/fra-praksis/2016/07/endringsbransjen

Les mer om foredragene her:

Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT): Improving the Quality and Outcome of Behavioral Health Services One Person at a Time

It’s not a pretty picture.  Available evidence indicates that the effectiveness of psychotherapy has not improved despite 100 years of theorizing and research.  What would help?  Not learning a new model of therapy or the “latest” so-called “evidence-based” treatment approach.  And no, not attending another CEU event or sorting through that stack of research journals by your desk.  A simple, valid, and reliable alternative exists for maximizing the effectiveness and efficiency of treatment based on using ongoing feedback to empirically tailor services to the individual client needs and characteristics.  Research from multiple randomized clinical trials documents that this simple, transtheoretical approach as much as doubles the effectiveness of treatment while simultaneously reducing costs, drop-out rates and deterioration.    

Educational Objectives:

  • Therapists will learn the research-based factors responsible for client change in treatment, regardless of professional discipline or preferred treatment model.
  • Therapists will learn systematic ways to assess the clients’ perceptions of progress and satisfaction so that therapy may be empirically tailored to the individuals’ needs and characteristics.
  • Learn simple and reliable methods for evaluating process and outcome in treatment.
  • To describe three ways for therapists to use the information about session-by-session impact to enhance the services they are delivering to clients.

Sample Agenda

The Good News about Treatment:

  • Psychotherapy works
  • Outcomes of the average clinician are equivalent to those obtain in RCT’s
  • Few if any side effects compared to medicine

The Bad News about Treatment:

  • High dropout rates
  • Clinicians not adept at identifying “at risk” clients
  • Clinician outcomes do not improve over the course of their careers

Three Steps to Becoming a FIT Practitioner:

  • Create a culture of feedback
  • Integrate feedback into care
  • Learn to Fail Successfully

Scott Miller
Scott Miller is a contemporary psychologist and co-founder of the International Center for Clinical Excellence and the Institute for the Study of Therapeutic Change. He completed his bachelor’s degree in psychology at Brigham Young University in Utah in 1982. Miller earned his master’s and PhD in counseling psychology at the University of Utah.

After completing his residency, Miller joined the staff at the Brief Family Therapy Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin where he directed the Alcohol and Drug Treatment and Training Services from 1989–1993. Next, he worked with Problems to Solutions, an organization that worked with homeless and underserved populations in Milwaukee.

Presently, Miller is a writer and a practicing therapist who often provides pro bono services to the financially underprivileged. He co-directs the Institute for the Study of Therapeutic Change, and he is a co-founder of the International Center for Clinical Excellence, an organization comprised of mental health professionals committed to advocating excellence in behavioral health. 

Anbefalt litteratur/ nettsider

Feedback Informed Treatment (APA, 2017).

The ICCE Feedback Informed Treatment and Training Manuals. Feedback Informed Treatment (DVD); Outcome-Informed Clinical Work: Using Formal Client Feedback to Construct, Guide, and Improve Treatment (Audio CD); Client-Directed, Outcome-Informed Psychotherapy (DVD); Client-Directed Interaction: Adjusting the Therapy not the Client (DVD).       www.scottmiller.com

  • https://www.centerforclinicalexcellence.com/

Opplæringen er godkjent av Norsk Psykolog Forening med 12+6 timer som tellende til spesialitet eller vedlikehold.

Opplæringen er et samarbeid mellom RKBU Nord, UiT Norges artkiske universitet og BUPA, UNN

Starter: 08.04.19 kl 09.00
Slutter: 10.04.19 kl 16.00
Hvor: Dag 1: Campus Tromsø Teorifagbygget Hus 1, Aud 2. Dag 2: Scandic Ishavshotell. Dag 3: Campus Tromsø MH2, U.08.316, Aud Cerebrum (For kun deltakelse på dag 1 og 2, ta kontakt)
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Gjester / eksterne
Kontakt: Yngvild Arnesen
E-post: Yngvild.Arnesen@unn.no
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