How to store research data

Research data are valuable, and proper storage is important and mandatory according to Principles and guidelines for research data management at UiT. The IT department provides storage services covering the data life cycle from recording through storing and finally archiving. We are continuously working on developing our services.

In this course we present our services for recording and storing data. Please note that structuring data in to prepare archiving is topic of another course (see course overview here).

The IT department needs input from, and discussion with our users in order to provide good services. Plenty of time will be set aside for questions, comments and discussion.

For more information about research data management at UiT, see the UiT Research Data Portal.


Når: 16.10.18 kl 10.15–11.00
Hvor: SVHUM E0104
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Ansatte
Kontakt: Helene N. Andreassen
Telefon: 77645735

Frist: 12.10.2018
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