Disputas Magistra Artium Linda Wiechetek

Magistra Artium Linda Wiechetek disputerer for ph.d. -graden i humaniora og samfunnsvitenskap, studieretning språkvitenskap, og vil offentlig forsvare avhandlingen:


"When grammar can´t be trusted - Valency and semantic categories in North Sámi syntactic analysis and error detection"


Prøveforelesning starter kl. 10.15 samme dag og sted.


Kort sammendrag av avhandlingen:

Have you ever tried to understand an ungrammatical sentence in a foreign language? When learning a language we are usually taught vocabulary and grammar. But this may not be enough. For example, I like reading cannot be translated into North Sámi *Mun liikon lohkame. But
how do we know that like can be followed by a gerund, but liikot cannot? The capacity of a verb to appear in different constructions is called valency. While a native speaker “knows” a verb’s valency, a language learner needs to learn it. In this dissertation, I developed a grammar checker for North Sámi, GoDivvun, with access to semantics and valencies. It does the same as a language learner: understand a sentence and decide which parts belong together. The sentence *Su liiko fiskes ivnni ‘Her likes the color yellow’ is grammatically incorrect. But
due to semantics, we know that she likes the color yellow and not the other way
around. By means of semantic relations GoDivvun finds these types of errors.

Les avhandlingen her.


Professor Trond Trosterud, UiT Norges arktiske universitet, Tromsø.



Dr. phil førstelektor Eckhard Bick, Syddansk universitet, Danmark (førsteopponent)

Universitetslektor Hanna Outakoski, Umeå universitet, Sverige (andreopponent)

Professor Peter Svenonius, UiT Norges arktiske universitet i Tromsø (leder av komiteen)



Professor Kristine Bentzen, institutt for språk og kultur, UiT Norges arktiske universitet i Tromsø.

Når: 23.05.18 kl 11.15–15.00
Hvor: SVHUM B1005
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: alle
Ansvarlig: Kari Torill Guldahl
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