Kurs - How to succeed with your home exam

Learn more about how to write an exam at UiT, in English on the master's level


Most exams on the master's level at UiT are written, or includes a written component. Are you new to UiT, on your first year of the master's degree, or have just not yet cracked the code for home exams? Then you should come join our workshop on succeeding on your home exam.

There will be tips on

  • Structure/outline
  • Time management
  • Argumentation

The workshop will be conducted in English, and is aimed mainly at students of international M.A. programs at HSL.


Find the room here.

Når: 28.09.17 kl 10.15–12.00
Hvor: NLYST U06
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Studenter
Lenke: Klikk her
Ansvarlig: Torhild Larsen Skillingstad
E-post: torhild.l.skillingstad@uit.no
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