Skredseminar i regi av CARE - Center for Avalanche Research and Education

Denne kvelden er det Peter Schön som skal holde hovedforedraget. Peter er canadier så foredraget blir på engelsk.
Peter is a Canadian Avalanche Association (CAA) Professional Member and CAA Level 3 (Applied Avalanche Risk Management), and currently going through the Canadian Ski Guide Program.

Temaet for Peters innlegg er den menneskelig faktor med tittel: Learning in Avalanche Terrain:
«In avalanche terrain, we mostly rely on heuristics for decision-making. Heuristics are simple rules or mental short-cuts. To learn heuristics, we need a regular environment that is predictable and opportunities to learn these regularities through long practice and positive/negative feedback.
Avalanche terrain is «catastrophic», with little opportunities for true feedback over «right»/»wrong“, unless we trigger an avalanche. We usually judge the quality of our actions in avalanche terrain by the outcome, not the action/process.

A good outcome of a ski tour does not necessarily mean that good actions were taken – but decisions made that day are mentally counted as “experience”. We can make mistakes for years without consequences.
Now, how can we engage in a good learning process? How can we steer self-taught heuristics into the right direction and limit heuristic traps? What role do courses play, where do they excel and where might they work against their intention of reducing avalanche accidents?
These questions I will explore during the seminar. While I cannot give universal answers, I can hopefully show approaches and tools to improve the learning process in avalanche terrain. In addition, I hopefully can initiate a productive thinking process in the seminar participants.»

He is teaching Canadian AST (avalanche skills training courses) and companion rescue courses in Troms and Nordland, but also recently started doing heuristic and decision-making workshops. Since 2012 he is guiding in North Norway, either privately or ski-by-boat trips. He is also an avid ski mountaineer.
He is also working as researcher and PhD student at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in Vienna, working on a model for predicting wind-transport and re-distribution of snow.Recently he joined the NVE observer korps. He is also a avid ski mountaineer

For de som ønsker å forberede seg litt til seminartemaet anbefales følgende:

I tillegg vil vi i forkant av hovedforedraget ha et par mindre innslag:
1. Dagens skredproblem. Vi tar en liten gjennomgang hva som er utfordringene for de av oss som skal ut på topptur de kommende dager.

2. Vi skal presentere litt av den forskningen CARE skal fokusere på fremover.

Mer info om skredseminarene finner du på hjemmesiden vår:

Seminarene vil foregå på SNN Scene på Studenhuset Driv i Tromsø og starter kl.19.00.

Seminaret er på SNN Scene. Inngang fra Storgata gjennom kafeen.

NB: Vi gjør oppmerksom på at baren på SNN Scene er åpen så det er mulig å få kjøpe seg noe å drikke!!

Dørene åpnes 18.30!

Velkommen til en lærerik aften.

Det er mye god kunnskap å hente fra en stol på Studenthuset Driv i Tromsø!

Når: 24.01.17 kl 19.00–21.00
Hvor: Studenthuset Driv
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: alle
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