ARCEx workshop: Uplift and erosion

The Cenozoic paleoenvironment and the total (net) erosion of the Barents Sea shelf/Svalbard

Date: Wednesday 26 October, 10:30-19:00
Venue: Department of Geology, UiT the Arctic University of Norway, room TBA
Organized by: Jan Sverre Laberg, UiT/ARCEx, WP 1 Basin analysis and WP 2 Petroleum systems and play concepts

Click here to go back to ARCEx home page for more information and the preliminary agenda. 

Please click on the green button "Register here" on this page to participate.

Når: 26.10.16 kl 10.30–17.30
Hvor: NATURF 1207 (Auditorium), Department of Geology, UiT the Arctic University of Norway
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: Inviterte
Kontakt: Jan Sverre Laberg
Telefon: 77644456

Frist: 24.10.2016
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