
Jürgen Jaspers (Université Libre de Bruxelles), holder årets Sommerfeltforelesning. Tittelen på foredraget er Sociolinguistics ideologized: constructions of expertise in mainstream media.

Jürgen Jaspers forsker på utdanning, urban flerspråklighet og språkpolitikk gjennom etnografi og interaksjonell diskursanalyse. Jaspers presenterer foredraget sitt på denne måten:

Sociolinguistics ideologized: constructions of expertise in mainstream media

In this lecture I will discuss how expertise over language is (re)configured in mainstream media. Based on two different cases in Flanders, the Dutch-speaking north of Belgium, I will go into how journalists’ and sociolinguists’ interests often conflict and can result in unwanted attributions of expertise, or to the staging of sociolinguists as so-called experts, useful as a foil for redefining what is viewed as more reasonable public knowledge over language. Rather than proposing that such altercations illustrate the sore predicament of honest scientists, however, I will argue that they offer the building blocks for developing a better understanding of the transactions between experts and media in late-modern circumstances. 

Foredraget vil foregå på engelsk.

Språk og samfunngruppa inviterer til enkel bevertning i Árdna etter foredraget. 

Når: 07.10.15 kl 18.00–19.00
Hvor: SVHUM C1006
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: alle
Telefon: 776 46175
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