Page 48 - living-ice
P. 48
Rocky-bottom community at Smeerenburgfjord
In the 1980s, the sea oor at Smeerenburgfjord was predom- inantly characterized by red calcareous algae and benthic in- vertebrates such as barnacles and ascidians
In 2000, the coverage of macroalgae suddenly increased from 4% to 30 % with simultaneous changes in the abundance of benthic invertebrates such as a decrease in barnacles and an increase in bryozoans.
In the 1990s, higher densities of taxa appeared on the sea- oor. In particular, dense carpets of sponges
Since the 2000s, the high coverage of red and brown mac- roalgae and bryozoans has persisted at the sea oor in Smeer- enburgfjord