Applying for access to data for statistical analyses

Access to data files for statistical analyses is given after a contract, based on the application, is signed. The contract grants the permission to research one or more defined research questions in a given time period, as well as the right to publish articles as described in the project description (protocol) handed in with the application.

Permission is only given for working on the approved research questions. When the permission to access data for the project has expired, the project leader must confirm that all the partners involved in the project have deleted the data they received. Lastly, the project leader has to submit their publications from the project.

Guidelines for access to research data from the Tromsø Study (PDF)

The project leader can become familiar with the variables available in the Tromsø Study via, where the relevant variables must be selected and downloaded into an Excel spreadsheet.

The application must include the name of the project leader and all the partners involved in the project. All partners must be informed and give their approval to be included in the project. The project description (protocol) must include background, reference to relevant theory, research question, method (selection, material, analysis), time schedule with end date, the names of all those involved in the project, and the publication plan. The variable list must reflect the issues/research question(s) in the project description. Approval from REK and any receipt from Sikt can be submitted later if the project leader does not have it at the time of applying.

Applications will be reviewed in the Data- and Publication Committee (DPC) of the Tromsø Study. Applications must be submitted at latest one week before the DPC’s meeting. Please note that the application must be complete – including all the sections mentioned above – before it can be processed.

Dates for the Data- and Publication Committee (DPC) meetings 2025

  • 9 January
  • 6 Febuary
  • 3 March
  • 3 April
  • 15 May
  • 5 June

Please expect a process time of up to 2 weeks after each meeting. Access to data is given after all the necessary documents have been sent to the Tromsø Study, and the agreement for the transfer of data is signed.

Fees for data access

The fees cover part of the expenses related to the access of data, and contributes to the further management and quality assurance of the data in the Tromsø Study. The universities are required to charge fees according to the TDI-model.

  • The fee for a data set corresponding to a single Ph.D.-/postdoctoral-/researcher-project (3-4 articles) is set to 100 000 NOK ex. VAT.
  • For projects with fewer or more publications, the amount is adjusted by 35 000 NOK ex. VAT per article.
  • Student projects are exempt from the fee for data access, with the permission to publish one article per student project.

The fees are updated as of January 2024