We aim to reduce the suffering and burden of venous thrombosis through excellent and world leading research.
The total suffering and health burden caused by venous thrombosis (VTE) is tremendous. In Norway, one person suffers from VTE every hour and every forth hour one person dies from a VTE-realated cause.
Up to half of the patients who get VTE in their legs are subsequently afflicted with pain and swelling due to reduced circulation. Further, the socioeconomic burden related to treatment of the disease and loss of income due to work-related disability is very high.
Our research
VTE is a common disease with unclear and complicated disease development for which few risk factors are known.
Previous research has revealed some risk factors that can lead to VTE. Still, several factors have not yet been identified, and there is insufficient knowledge about how the known risk factors work together.
In TREC, we combine laboratory research, patient-oriented research and population-based research to reveal new risk factors and mechanisms for the formation of VTE, which in turn can contribute to improved prevention and tailored treatment of the disease.
Health studies such as the as the Tromsø study, the HUNT study (Helseundersøkelsen i Nord-Trøndelag) are the cornerstones of our research.
TREC is a translational research group led by Professor John-Bjarne Hansen.
TREC is a part of the Department of Clinical Medicine at the Faculty of Health Sciences. The group's research activity take place across several disciplines such as medical biology, clinical medicine and community medicine.
TREC also cooperates closely with research environments at other universities and hospitals in Norway and internationally.
TREC was funded by Stiftelsen K. G. Jebsen from 2014-2020 as the first and so far only K. G. Jebsen Center for Medical Research established in Northern Norway.

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