Situational cues, self-control, and self-regulation success

Environmental cues, thought about environmental cues, and success in completing one's intentions

Self-regulation success (implementing the actions required to achieve personal goals) are central for an individuals health and well-being. First, we are investigating how specific components included in thought about intended actions (e.g., the inclusion of situational cues) relates to self-regulation sucess. Second, we aim to develop a better understand of the concept of self-control by investigating what typical measures of self-control measure.

Principle Investigator (supervision): Torsten Martiny-Huenger
Project members: Ingar Mikkola Kristiansen, Katrine Mikkelsen
Collaborator: Elizabeth J. Parks-Stamm, PhD (University of Southern Maine)

External Link

Situational Cues in Thoughts About the Future: Relationships With Self-Reported and Actual Self-Regulation Success

Financial/grant information:

"Forskerlinje i Psykologi"