[GLOBSEC] Global Security: North–South Partnership
Increased cooperation is needed to establish missing connections between education, research, and practice in the field of societal security. Societal security faces global challenges and requires a global perspective to respond effectively. GLOBSEC aims to strengthen the quality, attractiveness and scope of education in societal security through a North-South partnership that augments the quality of teaching and research.
The main goal of GLOBSEC is to better prepare the next generation tasked to work in the field of societal security by boosting their educational experiences with the most relevant, field-specific and up-to-date knowledge and skills. This goal is met through exchange programs between UiT The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) and Stellenbosch University (SU, South Africa), co-creation of educational materials in cross-sectoral, multi-level and transnational teams, and regular cooperation with business partner Cyber Security Institute (CSI). Further, the project fosters innovation as it will lead to the development of new courses and a joint PhD program and joint research initiatives (publications, research proposals).
Financial/grant information:
GLOBSEC is financed by the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills.