Use of individual plans in NAV
To ensure comprehensive and coordinated service delivery, end-users who require long-term and comprehensive health and social assistance are entitled to have an individual plan (IP) drawn up for them to suit their specific needs. An IP is both a tool for and a process of coordinating services received by end-users from health and other public services. IP is also used to maintain a cooperation between end-users and the institutions that provide support to them. Numbers from Statistics Norway show that only few people who are entitled to an IP have one (Statistisk Sentralbyrå, 2020. See:
This project has two main objectives. The first objective is to assess why most end-users of NAV who are entitled to an IP do not have one, although case managers in NAV have an obligation to inform them about their right to have an IP worked out if they want to. The second objective of the project is to investigate which other suitable means of providing comprehensive and coordinated services across the different welfare institutions are used other than using the IP.
The research questions are as follows:
- What are the challenges that case managers in NAV face while working with clients who require or have IPs?
- How do leaders in NAV regard IPs as a tool for service coordination?
- What other service options are available for end-users where an IP is not utilized?
- Are IPs as a tool for service coordination regarded differently in Norway, compared to other countries
Veileder: .............
Sonia Delali Acheampong (Principal investigator) (Prosjektleder)
Prosjektet er finansiert av ...................