Data access

Access to a data file can be granted given a complete application and agreement. Such an agreement provides the rights to investigate one or more defined research questions within a defined time period and to publish articles described in the research protocol included in the application. All data transfers and use of biological samples must fall within the main aim of The Norwegian Women and Cancer study and be in line with: NOWAC's guidelines for data access, the project description/research protocol, and the required approvals that apply to single projects. Applications are processed by the NOWAC executive team.  

The list of NOWAC variables can be found here

How to apply:

Complete the application form.

Required attachments:

  • List of variables
  • Project description/research protocol including a publication plan. 
  • REK-approval if necessary

 Submit the application form and attachments to:

Applications must be submitted at least two weeks before the next executive team meeting in order to be processed at the meeting.  The application must be complete before it can be processed. 

Meeting schedule - Spring 2024:

  • Wednesday 10.01
  • Wednesday 31.01
  • Wednesday 28.02
  • Wednesday 27.03
  • Wednesday 24.04
  • Wednesday 29.05
  • Wednesday 26.06

Some processing time should be expected after each meeting. Data and/or biological samples will be provided when all necessary documents have been submitted to NOWAC and a signed agreement is in place.