Barbatia setigera collected on the Red Sea by Peter Forsskål in 1761. Collection number TSZB 5883. Foto: Mari Karlstad, Norges arktiske universitetsmuseum
The zoological collections of the Arctic University Museum of Norway comprise over 160.000 collection numbers, each of which can contain several specimens. The collection is divided into a wet and a dry magazine and houses 27 unique type specimens (holotypes) and 56 paratypes.
The zoological collections
Details can be found on the website of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
Arthropod collection, Tromsø Museum
NORSC - Sciaroidea at Tromsø University Museum
Entomology collection, UiT Tromsø Museum
Annelida collection (TSZA) The Arctic University Museum of Norway
Bivalvia collection (TSZB) The Arctic University Museum of Norway
Bryozoa, Brachiopoda and Entoprocta (TSZBr) The Arctic University Museum of Norway
Chelicerata collection (TSZCh) The Arctic University Museum of Norway
Crustacea collection (TSZCr) The Arctic University Museum of Norway
Echinodermata (TSZE) The Arctic University Museum of Norway
Foraminifera and other protozoa (TSZF) The Arctic University Museum of Norway
Gastropoda collection (TSZG) The Arctic University Museum of Norway
Cnidaria and Ctenophora (TSZR) The Arctic University Museum of Norway
Tunicates collection (TSZT) The Arctic University Museum of Norway
Various marine groups from the collection at (TSZY) The Arctic University Museum of Norway
Insect collection, UiT, University Museum (TSZ). Insect labeling project and PhD-duty-work
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