The MRØ seminar in Skjervøy on January 20-21, 2025, gathered members to present ongoing research on sustainable fisheries and aquaculture. This annual event fosters collaboration and knowledge exchange among researchers. Viktoria Kahui, a professor from Otago University, New Zealand, was the invited speaker, sharing insights from her work. Participants also visited the Lerøy processing plant and MOWI facilities, learning about production processes and industry challenges. These site visits provided a practical perspective on research topics discussed during the seminar, strengthening connections between academia and industry.
The MRØ workshop 2023 took place on the 27-28th of September in Engenes, Ibedstad.
On September 27-28, the MRØ research group held its annual workshop in Engenes, Ibedstad providing researchers a valuable opportunity to share their work progress, collaborate, and learn from one another. The core focus of the workshop was the presentations of ongoing research by MRØ group members. Researchers within the group showcased their latest findings, methodologies, and challenges. The presentations promoted discussions and constructive feedback, fostering a collaborative research environment. Two esteemed external researchers, Professor Jesper Raakjær from Aalborg University, and Professor Juan Carlos Seijo from Universidad Marista de Mérida, were invited to share their expertise and insights. Their presentations enriched the workshop discussions and added a valuable external perspective to the group's research efforts. A highlight of the workshop was the study trip to the Arctic Aqua Center and an aquaculture site in Engenes. Participants had the opportunity to observe aquaculture practices, gain insights into the challenges of Arctic ecosystems, and learn about sustainable aquaculture techniques. This excursion enriched the participants' understanding of the practical aspects of their research. This event has strengthened the research community within the group and contributed to the advancement of knowledge in various related fields.
MRØ' student Suthamathy Nadarajah successfully defended her Phd thesis
Our MRØ' student, Suthamathy Nadarajah, has successfully defended her thesis for the PhD degree in Social Science on the 23rd September, 2022 with the title “The Economic seafood industries issues in Sri Lanka: Challenges for the sectors in developing countries due to institutions, environmental challenges in aquaculture and data poor fisheries”. The thesis focuses on three specific challenges for the seafood industry: (1) the quality and capacity of national institutions; (2) the importance of environmental factors for aquaculture production; and (3) how to monitor and, hopefully, manage fisheries with few and uncertain observations (data-poor fisheries). Each challenge has been studied empirically using proper methodologies and presented in individual papers.
Currently, she is working as a lecturer at Eastern University Sri Lanka. Congratulations Suthamathy Nadarajah! We wish you all the best on your new adventure! 😊
Congratulations Julide Ceren Ahi for her IIFET 2022 Best Student Paper award!
Our MRØ member, Julide Ceren Ahi, has got the IIFET 2022 Best Student Paper award with the paper "Estimating the socially optimal fish stock: incorporating society’s prioritization of ecosystem services". The paper is part of her PhD thesis and was written together with her supervisor, Prof. Claire Armstrong at UiT- The Arctic University of Tromso. Julide has also sucessfully defended her PhD recently with the dissertation on "The use of stated preferences and bio-economic modelling in marine ecosystem service management". Big congratulations to Julide! We are so proud of youLenke til nyhet
MRØ' student Salpage Nesha Dushani sucessfully defended her PhD thesis
Salpage Nesha Dushani is a Senior Lecturer of Ocean University of Sri Lanka. Currently she is serving as the Head of the Department of Fisheries and Marine Sciences in the same University. Nesha was awarded the Philosophiae Doctor in Social Science on 02 June 2022 after successfully completion of her Doctoral defence. The title of her PhD dissertation was "Economic valuation of climate change impacts on ecotourism in Rekawa coastal wetland in Sri Lanka: Application of stated preference techniques". Nesha’s PhD research was financially supported through a grant from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORHED), the Climate Change Project SRV/13/0010. Findings of her research provide empirical evidence suggesting that ecotourism is not only an economically viable industry but also a good ecological policy instrument. It is observed that intended visitation behavior of both foreign and domestic tourists to Rekawa wetland decline under the anticipated climate change scenarios. Also, it highlighted the importance of mangrove protection as an adaptation strategy to minimize the climate change impacts. Tourists’ preferences and willingness to pay for mangrove protection support the formation of an environmental protection fund and use of it in different mangrove protection measures. In conclusion, if increasing impacts of climate change are unattended in a timely fashion with site-specific adaptation measures, future ecotourism in coastal wetlands could be at risk.