RESTART - towards a sustained healthier lifestyle in old age

Some older adults are at greater risk than others of becoming ill, and the transition to retirement can provide just the opportunity they need to take appropriate action. RESTART will develop and test a complex lifestyle intervention aiming to help vulnerable older adults in this phase of life to establish lasting lifestyle changes and prevent disease.

If succesful, the program will become part of municipal services, coordinated with activities offered by non-governmental and voluntary organizations, and strengthened with online tools for lifestyle change to help older adults maintain healthier habits as long as possible

What will we find out?

The researchers behind the study will find out if the RESTART model can provide lasting improvements in cardiovascular fitness and strength, increase physical activity, reduce obesity, and improve quality of life among older adults at increased risk of disease.

Who is behind RESTART?

Researchers at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø municipality, the Norwegian Heart and Lung Association (LHL), and the Norwegian Trekking Association/Troms Turlag have collaborated to develop RESTART. We are collaborating with Re-start | Health and Lifestyle.

Several other researchers are involved. Those mentioned here are those involved from the HiT research group.


Erlend Johannessen
Jonas Johansson
Thomas Bye Nilsen
Gunnar Hartvigsen
André Henriksen

Financial/grant information:

The Research Council of Norway has granted 16 million NOK to test the RESTART model in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) from 2023.