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A training program for improving physical exercise of people with intellectual disabilities through exergames and technology

MOVE-IT” is a project executed within the ERASMUS+ PROGRAMME 2021 in the KEY ACTION 2. COOPERATION FOR INNOVATION AND THE EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTICES; Partnerships in adult education aimed to create, develop and validate a new learning program tailored to the needs of professional staff and relatives to promote the use of exergaming through new information and communication technologies (ICT) in people with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities.

MOVE-IT promotes a healthy lifestyle and social inclusion of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities through their participation in ICT based exergames, in cooperation with other Persons with Intellectual Disabilities and relatives out of the care centres and also through the participation of relatives and professionals in the exergames.

MOVE-IT reduces disparities in access to and engagement with digital technologies by Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, relatives and professionals. MOVE-IT will extend and develop the competences of Persons with mild status of Intellectual Disabilities and personnel (relatives and professionals) who support Persons with intellectual Disabilities through the transference of knowledge and the use of tools related with the gamification of physical activity programs and exercises supported by Digital Tools.

Several other researchers are involved. Those mentioned here are those involved from the HiT research group.


André Henriksen (Principal investigator)
Henriette Michalsen
Audny Anke
Gunnar Hartvigsen