

Kliniske forløpsmønstre hos pasienter med langvarig spiseforstyrrelse

Studien benytter latente klasseanalyser for å få frem interessante individuelle forskjeller i det kliniske forløpet i spiseproblemer over en periode på hele 17 år, og kobler dette til traumatiske opplevelser fra barndommen.


Fysisk trening og ernæringsterapi for personer med

Erfaringer med fysisk trening og ernæringsterapi via frisklivssentraler


Helse Nord gir forskningsmidler til søvnprosjekt

Forskningsgruppa får forskningsmidler fra Helse Nord RHF til å forske på søvnbehandling til pasienter med langvarige smerteplager.


Mønstre i stress, sårbarhet og resiliens hos spiseforstyrrede

Background: Eating disorders (EDs) are associated with a range of stressful life events, but few have investigated protective factors that may affect these associations. The current study used mixture modelling to describe typologies in life stress exposure and availability of protective resources in individuals with and without eating disorders (EDs).

Sample: A case-control study (n = 916)

Results: We identified four classes of stressful life events (generally low, some abuse/bullying, sexual/emotional assaults, and high adversity). For protective resources, we identified six profiles that ranged from low to higher levels of protection with variations in social/family resources. The latent protection variable contributed more strongly to the distal outcomes than the latent stress variable, but did not moderate the latent stress and distal outcome variable relationships. Profiles characterized by lower protective resources included higher proportions of individuals with a lifetime ED, and were associated with higher scores on all symptom measures.


Publikasjon om fengselsinsatte

Aim: Beliefs about mental health are shaped by the sociocultural context. Prisons have unique environmental and social features, and the prevalence of mental health problems in incarcerated populations is exceptionally high. These features make prisons especially interesting settings for exploring health beliefs. The aim of this study was to explore the conceptualizations of mental health and coping preferences in a prison environment.

Conclusion: The main finding was a firm integration of the prison context in the participants’ beliefs about mental health. We theorize that fusion of prison conditions and mental health beliefs were brought on by the processes of prisonization, observing mental distress in peers and attempts to protect self-esteem by externalizing the causes for mental health problems. Access to activities, social time, and “someone to talk to” were perceived to be crucial for improving and preserving mental health.