Research and knowledge development in health professional education

Cover of the book 'Kunnskapsutvikling i helsefaglig profesjonsutdanning'
Cover of the book 'Kunnskapsutvikling i helsefaglig profesjonsutdanning'

This Scientific Anthology presents theory, metodology in research project from Health Professional Programs on Bachelor and Masterprograms at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. This book reflects research with and within the Bachelor programs in Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Nursing, as well as Interprofessional Programs and the Master Program in Midwifery at UiT. 


Trond Eriksen
Rigmor Furu
Catrine Buck Jensen
Nina Bøhle Cheetham
Beate Ytreberg
Heidi Elvemo
Rita Jentoft

Financial/grant information:

UiT The Arctic University of Norway