Ferskvannsgruppa kan mer enn bare fisk!
Ferskvannsgruppa kan mer enn bare fisk!
En av de største truslene mot vill laks er innblanding av gener fra oppdrettslaks som har rømt. Et stort problem som det tydeligvis ikke er mulig å få bukt med..?
Tana river is one of the largest salmon rivers in the world, starting all the way from Finland and drains out on the Norwegian coast. The river is managed both from Finish and Norwegian authorities and there are strong emotions from the local population. The last years fishing has been stopped due to large reductions in the salmon population. This year, fishing is prohibited from the Norwegian authorities, but the Finish have some different rules. This brings reactions
How does the salmon lice parasite affect growth and other life history traits of the anadromous Arctic charr?