Early identification of frailty in Northern Norway (NORFRAIL study)

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Frailty in acute setting

A pilot study, observational study and randomized controlled study

This area will explore the role of early intervention for patients living with frailty admitted to hospital in an acute setting. This is a field of research that has been explored much more thouroughly in Great Britain, where frailty evaluation within 30 minutes of hospital admission now has been adopted as a quality of care measurement due to positive results shown in research. Our aim is to explore wether the same type of intervention will show the same results in Northern Norway, given our unique challenges with regards to geography, demographics and healthcare system.

Aims of the study
• Determine prevalence of frailty for adults aged ≥ 65 years admitted to hospital in Northern Norway using the Clinical Frailty Scale.
• To assess the association between frailty and health-related outcomes including adverse events, length of hospital stay, re-admission within 30 days, discharge to a higher level of care and death in Northern Norway
• To investigate whether a frailty intervention decreases falls in frail older adults admitted to hospital
• Disseminate findings to national and international relevant settings


Mona Dixon Gundersen (Principal investigator)
Ieva Martinaityte
Dag Seeger Halvorsen
Jonas Bjørnskov Goll

