The Research and Advocacy Group for Hunter Gatherer Education (HG-EDU)

The Research and Advocacy Group for Hunter Gatherer Education (HG-EDU), focuses on issues relating to education for contemporary hunting and gathering societies. The central aim of this group is to use understandings based on scientific research to support hunter-gatherer communities’ ongoing efforts to control their own educational options and to secure sustainable livelihoods. Our research and advocacy approach connects the concept of education with realistic livelihood opportunities, land rights, biodiversity, food security, and other environmental and cultural issues. The focus of HG-EDU is both on access to formal education, and alternative approaches.
Jennifer Hays is responsible for the project in cooperation with Velina Ninkova (UiT), Edmund Dounias (Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)) and Attila Paksi (Global Development Studies), see