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Fistula closure by thinking outside the box

The collaboration between the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the Department of Radiology and the Department of Gastroenterological Surgery has resulted in a number of innovative solutions for patients with chronic fistula where traditional techniques have failed.

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Ultrasound-guided injection of botulinum toxin for pain in the abdominal wall

Anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome (ACNES) is a major challenge causing disability, hospitalization and abdominal pain. In 2008 we developed an ultrasound-guided technique for precise injection of botulinum toxin at the point of nerve entrapment in the abdominal wall. 

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Lipedema - a new challenge for plastic surgeons

Lipedema almost exclusively affects women and cause significant discomfort and pain. When conservative treatment fails, water jet assisted liposuction with a vibrating cannula which preserves the lymphatic vessels is a promising surgical treatment. In 2018, we participated in a meeting with the Directorate of Health to investigate the possibilities of making lipedema treatment a public service in Norway. The report proposes that liposuction should be established as a trial treatment for a five-year period at a center in each health region.

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Evaluation of microcirculation in flap surgery with thermography

At the University Hospital of North Norway (UNN), thermography has been used in the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery for almost two decades, and the Department of Radiology has established a separate laboratory for medical thermography. The thermal camera can be used to locate perforators under the skin, e.g. in connection with breast reconstruction.

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Dynamic infrared thermography

Before the Dermatoplastic Imaging Research Group (DIRG) was established, there had been close collaboration for several years between the departments of radiology and plastic surgery in the development of dynamic infrared thermography (DIRT) as a new imaging technique.

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Neurogenic pain and vasospasm

The Departments of Radiology and Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery have been cooperating in the treatment of neurogenic pain since 2008. 

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Dermatoplastic Imaging Research Group

Since 2002 there has been close research collaboration between the Department of Radiology and the Department of Plastic Surgery at the University Hospital of North Norway (UNN). Together with the Department of Dermatology a new research group is founded.