Speech and respiratory function in the lifespan

In this project, we assess verbal execution by taking into account the cognitive abilities of an individual and a fundamental element of speech: Respiration. Our aim is to understand the interplay between cognition and respiration during real-time execution of neuropsychological verbal tasks, in specific phases of the lifespan. To this end, we examine verbal abilities in teenagers, young adults and older adults. The selected samples at the extremes of the lifespan, represent interesting stages to address the respiratory-cognition association due to the rise and fall of executive functioning and changes in the autonomic nervous system in these periods. This is a lifespan developmental study in which we wish to answer whether special characteristics in speech breathing in the mentioned age stages are important for accuracy of verbal execution, speed of word generation and task difficulty. Moreover, the project seeks to answer these questions in healthy participants as well as in individuals presenting respiratory ailments including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

The current project collects data from healthy individuals in the three mentioned age ranges. Respiration and verbal responses are recorded with the Phonatory Aerodynamic System (PAS) during execution of five verbal tasks: Picture naming, reading single words, reading text passage, and semantic and phonemic verbal fluency tasks (see illustrations below). Airflow measurements are recorded during execution of the verbal tasks and separately during vital capacity assessment. Additionally, neuropsychological tests covering different cognitive domains are applied to obtain a comprehensive cognitive profile of each participant.

 Young participant Verbal Tasks


Gullsvåg M. & Rodríguez-Aranda C.(2023). Effects of verbal tasks with varying difficulty on real-time respiratory airflow during speech generation in healthy young adults. Frontiers in Psychology 2023 https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1150354


Claudia Rodríguez-Aranda (Principal investigator)
Malin Gullsvåg

Financial/grant information:

UiT & Research fund for asthma and allergy (Forskningsfondet for Astma og Allergi)