NOSEG: Nordic Smart Energy Simulation Group

The purpose of this project was to coordinate the national research institutions to create conditions for a higher degree of renewable energy in the new smarter power grids. The goal was to create a collaborative platform between three regions (Norway, Sweden, & Finland /Vasa, Narvik and Umeå) within wind power research. The wind power's production chain, social acceptance and the purpose of the various technologies in the energy chain were simulated in parallel to gain a full understanding of the smart grid. With current tools, this is very time consuming, and the goal of this project was to develop better tools. The focus of our research group was to address issues related to wind energy in cold climate. The main partners of this project were, Narvik University College-Norway, Umeå University- Sweden, NOVIA-Finland & University of Vaasa-Finland.
Project Duration: 2012- 2014
Project Funded By: EU- Interreg Botnia Atlantica & Nordland Fylkeskommune.
Budget: 586,436 EUR