Safe Wind- Environmental Safety and Sustainability of Wind Energy Projects at Remote Territories of Arctic Region

The project aims on the concept of using the wind energy potential to facilitate normal living of remote territories along the Northern Axes - Barents Link and along the Northern Sea Route to Asian market. While implementation the Concept the analysis of the wind power potential will be carried out for the wind power farms at the points of eclectic energy consumption in the remote hard-to-reach areas along the Northern Axes - Barents Link. These points of eclectic energy consumption in Russia, Sweden, Norway and Finland will be determined. This project will involves the preliminary environmental impact assessment (EIA) of wind generation and electric energy distribution generated from wind electric energy power consumption points in remote hard-to-reach areas identified within the KO4159 project WP 7 activities. The development of the Arctic zone will lead to the development of an energy supply system for the territories and, consequently, to the increasing of the number of wind power farms, which will have an increasing, impact on the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to create recommendations for the development of common approaches to the EIA determination in the Barents region in order to reduce the environmental impact of wind power farms in the future.
Project Duration: 2021-2022
Project Funded By: EU- Kolarctic CBC Programme
Budget: 99,750 EUR