Wind Energy Education Network: Promotion of Research and Education about Wind Energy in Cold Climates

The project aims to improve the quality of educational materials, through network cooperation, exchange of experiences both among academic staff and the knowledge sharing and supervision of students. The project will bring together professors and experts in the field of wind energy in cold climate, which allows to extract the best experience and knowledge on the topics of wind resource assessment of territories, increasing the performance of wind farms, the operation of wind power plants in cold climate conditions, management of wind energy projects. The project will also cover the offshore wind energy perspective due to growing demand of exploring offshore wind energy across the world. Not much work has been done so far across world to better understand the offshore wind energy in ice prone cold regions, but this project aims to go in this topic also from academic perspective. The final product of the project will be developed training materials, educational modules and a Massive Open Online ourse (MOOC) containing modern scientific approaches to wind energy. MOOC will be aimed to meet the level and requirements of modern educational platforms Coursera, Edx, Canvas. The project includes partners from Russia, Norway & Finland (NARFU, UiT and OUAS).
Project Duration: 2022-2023
Project Funded By: Nordic Council of Ministers
Budget: 88,000 EUR