NABL- Northern Axis Barents Link

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Northern Axis (NA): The Northern Axis is one of the five Trans-European transport axes defined by the High Level Group in 2005 and presented in the report ”Network for Peace and Development”. The Northern Axis connects the northern EU with Norway to the north and with Belarus and Russia and beyond to the east and consists of e.g. multimodal transport corridor Narvik - Haparanda/Tornio - Vartius - St. Petersburg (rail and road corridor), which are directly linked to the TEN-T networks. Barents Link (BL): Barents Link is the extended Arkhangelsk gateway, via Sweden all the way to Narvik in Norway. Northern Sea Route is a direct continuation of the Barents Link to Asian market. Together these (NA and BL) have been recognized by the Northern Dimension in NDPTL (Northern Dimension Partnership of Transport and Logistics) regional road and railway network and 5 corridors included in the Joint Barents Transport Plan (road, rail, air). The problem the project is planning to solve is that the east-west transport networks in the Kolarctic area are either non-existing, non - continuous or not in proper condition. This goes to road, railway, airborne transport networks, which hindrances regional development in the Kolarctic area. The overall objective of this project is ”to improve east-west corridors transport and cross-border mobility in the Programme area” and the specific objective is ”to improve east-west corridors transport and cross-border mobility in the Northern Axis, Barents Link and their continuations to Northern Sea Route”. The main outputs the project will produce are:

  • Better road transport possibilities (currently does not exist) to facilitate regional and border area development in Northern Axis – Barents Link corridor between Northern Finland - Arkhangelsk and between Arkhangelsk - Nenets Autonomous District.
  • Understanding of impacts of the two Russian railways to Barents region transport.
  • The impacts of several diversifying possibilities on Vartius/Lytta border crossing (to freight, passenger, railway, road).
  • To know the possibilities and impacts of creating a low-flight (civil aviation) corridor between Northern Finland and Russia.
  • To understand economic viability of Kontiomäki - Taivalkoski – Kemijärvi railway connection and its impacts to Kemijärvi- Salla-Kandalaksha and Kemijärvi –Kirkenes railway connections´ feasibility.
  • To understand improvement needs of Oulu-Kontiomäki railway
  • Results (a concept) of the wind energy potential to facilitate normal living of remote territories along the Northern Axis - Barents Link and (continuation to that) along the Northern Sea Route to Asian market.
  • Economic feasibility and impacts to transport flows of double tracking of the Ofotbanen- Malmbanan.

Project Duration:        2019- 2022

Project Funded By:     EU- Kolarctic CBC Programme

Budget:                         1,246,900 EUR

Project Weblink:


Muhammad Shakeel Virk (Principal investigator) (Project manager)
Pavlo Sokolov
Adeel Yousuf