AQUADEVBUS - Development of Aquaculture Education in Higher Educational Institutions in Kenya

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The project aims to boost aquaculture education and capacity building in Kenya, with a focus on sustainable practices and food security. Study programs will be developed or revised to capture the latest technological trends in aquaculture, and new knowledge will be generated on novel aquaculture systems, such as those integrating livestock and bio-energy to enhance circular practices. Strategies will include joint development of undergraduate and postgraduate courses, short summer school courses for staff and student capacity building, development of aquaculture infrastructure in higher academic institutions in East Africa, and establishment of targeted links with the Kenyan aquaculture industry.

AQUADEVBUS brings together two Kenyan universities (Great Lakes University of Kisumu and Rongo University), a Kenyan research institution (Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute), and three Scandinavian partners (UiT, Turku University of Applied Sciences and Peimarin Koulutuskuntayhtyma – Livia- in Finland). 

Press news: 

Aquaculture without borders: when Nordic countries meet East Africa

Kenyan and Scandinavian partners connect in Norway to advance aquaculture


Helgi Thor Thorarensen (Principal investigator) (Project manager)
Bjørn-Steinar Sæther (Principal investigator)
Stefano Peruzzi (Principal investigator)

Financial/grant information:

Erasmus + programme ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE (Capacity building in the field of higher education). Total budget of 0.8 million EURO.