Arctic chronobiology and physiology


The research group studies physiological adaptations to life at high latitudes in arctic/subarctic fish, birds and mammals, and their tolerance to climatic and other changes to their environment.

Our research is curiosity-driven and aims to understand the physiological mechanisms that enable fish, birds and mammals to cope with the large seasonal variations in climatic conditions, such as light-dark cycles (photoperiod) and food availability/quality. Seasonal strategies such as fattening, coat changes, migration and hibernation are active areas of research for the group. We are also researching the physiological adaptations to lack of oxygen as seen in diving mammals and hibernators.

Our methodology spans from state-of-the-art molecular techniques to whole-animal integrative research. We have excellent research animal facilities for fish, wild birds and mammals, well-equipped specialized laboratories, and good opportunities for field research at our Svalbard field station and more locally around Tromsø.


The research group is located in the Arctic Biology facility at the UiT campus, which includes offices, laboratories, animal rooms, workshops, store rooms and garages within 4 separate buildings totalling about 2 700 m2. The buildings are located within a fenced area of >50 000 m2 which also includes pens for holding experimental animals. The Norwegian Food Safety Authority has approved the research animal facility for the maintenance of arctic mammals and birds (reindeer, seals, ptarmigan) and hibernation facilities for golden hamsters. The group also operates a field station on Ryøy, ~20 km outside Tromsø, and in Adventdalen on the high-arctic archipelago of Svalbard. 

Recently we modernised our ptarmigan facility, surgery suite and molecular biology laboratories. We also have access the Marine Research Laboratory in Kårvika for our fish work and R/V Helmer Hanssen for our seal research.

Our Projects

Arctic Seasonal Timekeeping Initiative

MSc & PhD projects

Completed PhDs 2021-2022

Evolution of seasonal adaptations in voles - a physiological and genetic approach 

Circadian-based processes in the High Arctic: activity, thermoregulation and photoperiodism in the Svalbard ptarmigan (Lagopus muta hyperborea)

Photoperiodic history-dependent preadaptation of the smolting gill. Novel players and SW immediate response as markers of growth and welfare 

Completed MSc 2020-2024

Diel activity rhythms in wild songbirds in the Subarctic

Role of the lactate receptor HCAR1 as part of neural adaptations to hypoxia in hooded seals (Cystophora cristata)

Human responses to year-round lighting using Google Trends to investigate seasonality in activity patterns and libido

The metabolic roles of astrocytes and neurons in the diving brain A study of the mitochondrial distribution in the brain of the hooded seal (Cystophora cristata)

Thermal properties of arctic fox fur and the effects of fur lice infestation

Seasonal regulation of melanogenesis in ptarmigan

The Suprachiasmatic Nucleus of The Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) and it’s Circadian Outputs

Characterization of Cuzd1 expression and development of in vivo CRISPR technology in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

The effect of endurance training on mitochondrial function in Siberian huskies and Alaskan huskies

Circannual rhythms in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus)

Circadian disruption by light and its effect on the immune function of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

Can baleen whales be safely live-captured for studies of their physiology?

The structure of nasal conchae in Svalbard rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta hyperborea) with comparisons to three other Galliform birds

Are Hooded seals (Cystophora cristata) endowed with mechanisms for non-shivering thermogenesis within the skeletal muscle?

Dive behaviour and respiration rates of humpback whales (Megaptera Novaeangliae) during foraging off Northern Norway, with implications for metabolic rate estimates

Nitrogen Excretion and Aspects of Water Balance in Fasting Hooded Seal Pups (Cystophora cristata)

Validating the Tritiated Water Method in Adult Harp Seal

The metabolism of lean and fat hooded seal pups (Cystophora cristata): how fat contributes to the total metabolic rate

Changes in fat metabolism in the seasonal body mass cycle of captive Svalbard rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta hyperborea)

Characterization of the biological clock in Svalbard ptarmigan (Lagopus muta hyperborea)

Characterization of the circadian clock in Hooded Seals (Cystophora Cristata) and its interaction with mitochondrial metabolism A multi-tissue comparison and cell culture approach

Dietary vs. light stimulated smoltification: effects on smolt development and appetite regulation in pre- and post- smolts

Hibernation in European Hamsters (Cricetus crisetus): An assessment of brain permeability during torpor-arousal cycling

Munin has a full list of PhD and MScs completed.

Available MSc projects

If you want to join us for a masters project you can either register for the Arctic animal physiology masters program at UiT or if you are already on a MSc program at a different university you can register as an exchange student for the masters project: Exchange Masters project or the Erasmus+ Traineeship.

You may also be able to start the project sooner than the application deadline listed under exchange student masters project, please contact us directly to find out.

Please note that for many of the projects involving animals the supervisors will need at least 6 months notice to set up the project before you are due to start with the work, so please contact us early.


Thyroid hormone regulation of mitochondrial activity in hibernation 

Ever wonder how a hibernator re-warms itself? This project focuses on an endocrine tissue called brown fat which produces heat through uncoupled mitochrondria to re-warm the whole animal. In order to prepare for the hibernation season thyroid hormone levels in the brain are altered, this project will look at the effect of changing thyroid hormone levels in the brown adipose tissue on thermogenesis. The student will: 

Contact David Hazlerigg or Shona Wood ( or ) 

Behavioural analysis of hibernating and non-hibernating strategies 

Golden hamsters prepare for winter by lowering their body temperature to approximately 33C, some take this a step further initiating full hibernation by periodically lowering their body temperature to 8C! This project will compare the two winter strategies calculating activity, food intake and energy expenditure over the winter season. The student will: 

Contact Shona Wood ( ) 

Do ptarmigan use torpor (“hibernation”)? 

Svalbard ptarmigan have remarkable adaptations to survive the arctic winter, increasing fat stores and plumage to maintain body temperature. Torpor is a state metabolic rate suppression which leads to a regulated lowering of body temperature, multiple species of bird use torpor to save energy. The aim of this project is to determine whether the Svalbard ptarmigan employs this strategy. The student will: 

Contact Shona Wood ( ) 

Chronobiology - seasonal & circadian

Relationship between calcium appetite and antler growth in reindeer

Antler growth in deer is the only example of regenerative bone growth seen in adult mammals, and is therefore of major biomedical interest (regenerative medicine). Among deer species, reindeer are the only species in which both males and females grow antlers. The seasonal cycle of antler growth and casting entails a high calcium demand which must be met partly through calcium intake in the diet or through mobilization of calcium reserves elsewhere in the skeleton (seasonal osteoporosis). The project will investigate the extent to which seasonal changes in appetite and bone demineralization respond passively to antler calcium demand or to innate circannual programs controlling physiology and behaviour. Using our captive herd of tame reindeer, the project will involve a combination of behavioural monitoring for changes in taste preference, monitoring of antler growth and assessment of hormonal and metabolic parameters.

 Contact: David Hazlerigg ( & James McCutcheon (Psychology,

Overwintering strategies and activity rhythms in a living fossil 

The living fossil lepidurus arcticus is found in ephemeral pools and permanent freshwater lakes on Svalbard. There are two potential avenues of research: 

  1. A characterisation of the daily (circadian) activity and gene rhythms in Lepidurus arcticus
  2. The effect of light and temperature on the timing of hatching of overwintering Lepidurus arcticus 

At present, we don't know if L. arcticus responds to photoperiod, if it has a biological clock and if it has a rhythmic expression of the clock genes. Knowledge of life cycle can be useful for understand the biological rhythms in this and other high arctic species. Moreover, climate change studies predict a special effect in high-latitude lakes (Giorgi et al., 1997), which includes longer ice-free periods. Changes in the length of the ice-free period may have differential effects on the development of species, altering the zooplankton community structure.  

The student will:  

Contact David Hazlerigg or Shona Wood ( or ) 

Clocks and chronotypes of wild Arctic songbirds

(students interested in joining the breeding season fieldwork should contact Barbara as soon as possible)

We have opportunities to study circadian clocks, daily rhythms and chronotypes of wild free-living songbirds (great tits, blue tits, willow tits or pied flycatchers). Students may develop their own research projects and are welcome to contact Barbara to discuss their ideas. Depending on the season, topics can range from: a) basic characterization of rhythms of individually marked birds in the field (especially during the polar night and midnight sun); b) studying how activity patterns relate to reproductive success and survival; c) impacts of artificial light at night on daily/seasonal rhythms; d) studying the circadian clock of songbirds during the polar night and midnight sun; e) other studies involving behavioural tests (personality, cognition) may also be possible depending on the season.

 Activities can involve:

Contact Barbara Tomotani ( )

Evolution of biological clocks in land snails

We are establishing a new animal species to be a model for studying selection of biological clocks in nature: the copse snail. We have the opportunity to study biological clocks, daily rhythms and winter dormancy both in laboratory and in the field. Being a new model species, there are plenty of possibilities for students to develop their own research projects. Students are welcome to get in touch with Barbara to discuss their ideas.

Depending on the season, topics can range from: a) basic characterization of rhythms; b) experimentation with winter dormancy; c) circadian clock during the “midnight sun”; d) big data approach to determine winter dormancy in land snails; e) other studies involving behavioural tests (e.g., personality), heritability of traits, and ecological biogeography may also be possible.

 Activities can involve: 

Contact Barbara Tomotani ( )

Fish physiology/behaviour

Olfactory imprinting in Atalantic salmon

Salmon have the remarkable ability to navigate from the open sea to their natal streams where they reproduce. We think they achieve this by using a magnetic sense to get them to the right area, then by using their olfactory sense to pilot the rest of their way back home. Some amazing studies done back in the 60s and 70s show that this later part is the result of a memory, or olfactory imprint, which is laid down during a sensitive window when the young salmon, which hatch in the rivers, migrate to sea. We still do not know, however, how the opening and closing of this sensitive window is timed.

In 2023 we imprinted captive salmon to a chemical agent under different day-lengths to determine whether olfactory imprinting is associated with seasonal lighting cues. To determine the imprinting status of these fish we will test their behavioural responses to the chemical agent in a two-choice maze when the fish reach reproductive maturity in autumn 2025. The project will involve hands-on work during the Atlantic salmon behavioural tests, the use of machine learning tools for video analysis, and lab-based molecular assays to determine the endocrine status of the fish during the choice test.

Contact Alex West ( to discuss further

Smoltification in salmon and/or immune function in salmon

Contact David Hazlerigg ( to discuss further.



The research group offers research-based teaching in general and comparative physiology, both at the Bachelor, Master and PhD levels.

Courses and teaching activities:

  • BIO-1105 - Innføring I biologi (Bachelor)
  • BIO-1008 - Evolusjon (Bachelor)
  • BIO-2002 - Dyrefysiologi (Bachelor)
  • BIO-3030 - Extreme Animal Physiology (Master)
  • BIO-3014 - Biological timekeeping (Master)
  • BIO-8017 - Biological timekeeping (PhD)
  • Animal Experimentation for Researchers 




Popular science articles of our research

Podcast on Hibernation

News article on hibernation

Local news article on hibernation (in Norwegian)

Svalbard reindeer cover image in JEB

Feature on our work on Hooded seals in JEB

Early career researcher spotlight on Chiara Ciconne working Hooded seals

Feature on our work on Sibernian hamsters and maternal light

Endurance physiology in Huskys (in Norwegian)

European research council funded hibernation project (in Norwegian)

Peer-reviewed articles


  1. Melum VJ, de Miera CS, Markussen FAF, Simonneaux V, Hazlerigg DG, Wood SH (2024) Hypothalamic tanycytes as mediators of maternally programmed seasonal plasticity. Current Biol 34: 1-9
  2. Furrer M, Meier SA, Maxime J, Franken P, Sundset MA, Brown SA, Wagner GC, Huber R (2024) Reindeer in the Arctic reduce sleep need during rumination. Current Biol 34: 1-7
  3. Mørk T, Eira HI, Rødven R, Nymo IH, Blomstrand BM, Guttormsen S, Olsen L, Davidson RK (2024) Necropsy findings, meat control pathology and causes of loss in semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in northern Norway. Acta Vet Scand 66: 1-14
  4. Chen J, Wu W, Liu X, Hazlerigg D, Zhan X (2024) The circannual clock: Empowering seasonal anticipation in organisms. Science Bullentin XX:xxx
  5. Blix AS (2024) Biografi over Konsul Lars Christensen (1884-1965). Årbok 2023 fra Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab. ISSN 2704-1859
  6. Meier SA, Furrer M, Nowak N, Zenobi R, Sundset MA, Huber R, Brown SA, Wagner G (2024) Uncoupling of behavioral and metabolic 24-h rhythms in reindeer. Curr Biol 34:1-8
  7. Tyler NJC, Post E, Hazlerigg DG (2024) Weak coupling between energetic status and the timing of reproduction in an Arctic ungulate. Sci Rep 14: 6352
  8. Ciccone C, Kante F, Folkow LP, Hazlerigg DG, West AC, Wood SH (2024) Circadian coupling of mitochondria in a deep-diving mammal. J Exp Biol (2024) 227 (7): jeb246990.
  9. Tennyson AJD, Salvador RB, Tomotani BM, Marx FG (2024) A new diving Pliocene Ardenna shearwater (Aves: Procellariidae) from New Zealand. Taxonomy 4: 237–249.
  10. Blix AS (2024) Ishavet ga, men ishavet tok. Nordlys To. 4. april, s. 30.



  1. Cheon HL, Kjelstrup S, Kizilova N, Flekkøy EG, Mason MJ, Folkow LP (2024) Structure-function relationships in the nasal cavity of Arctic and subtropical seals. Biophys J 122: 4686-4698
  2. Hazlerigg DG, Appenroth D, Tomotani BM, West AC, Wood SH (2023) Biological timekeeping in polar environments: lessons from terrestrial vertebrates. J Exp Biol 226, jeb246308
  3. Tonkopeeva M, Skum ER, Krarup-Hansen K, Sundset MA, Romanenko T, Griffiths D, Moe L, Mathiesen SD (2023) Resilience thinking in reindeer husbandry. Ch. 8 in ‘Reindeer Husbandry – Resilience in the changing Arctic’ (eds: Mathiesen SD, Eira IMG, Turi EI, Oskal A, Pogodaev M, Tonkopweeva M), Springer Polar Sciences, pp. 189-214
  4. Duarte V, Gaetano P, Striberny A, Hazlerigg D, Jørgensen EH, Fuentes J, Campinho MA (2023) Modulation of intestinal growth and differentiation by photoperiod and dietary treatment during smoltification in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, L.) Aquaculture 566: 739164
  5. Nord A, Holje V, Judik B, Folkow LP, Pap PL (2023) Seasonal changes in plumage density, plumage mass and feather morphology in the world’s northernmost land bird, the Svalbard Rock Ptarmigan (Lagopus muta hyperborea). Polar Biol
  6. Martens GA, Geßner C, Folkow LP, Creydt M, Fischer M, Burmester T (2023) The roles of brain lipids and polsr metabolites in the hypoxia tolerance of deepdiving pinnipeds. J Exp Biol 226: jeb245355
  7. Blix AS (2023) Eventyret Norsk Moskus A/S [eng. Norsk Moskus (Norwegian Muskox) A/S - a project like no other]. Rangifer Report 15: 1-20
  8. Blix AS (2023) Han gav navn til Blixgate. Borreminner, X: 37-52
  9. Tomotani BM, Timpen F, Spoelstra K (2023) Ingrained city rhythms: flexible activity timing but more persistent circadian pace in urban birds. Proc R Soc B 290: 20222605
  10. Lindner M, Ramakers JJC, Verhagen I, Tomotani BM, Mateman AC, Gienapp P, Visser ME (2023) Genotypes selected for early and late avian lay date differ in their phenotype, but not fitness, in the wild. Science Advances 9 (23): eade6350
  11. Lamsal A, Tryland M, Paulsen KM, Romano JS, Nymo IH, Stiasny K, Soleng A, Vikse R, Andreassen ÅK (2023) Serological screening for tick-borne encephalitis virus in eight Norwegian erds of semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus). Zoonoses Public Health 70:692–698
  12. van Dalum MJ, van Rosmalen L, Appenroth D, Fernando Cazarez Marquez, Renzo Roodenrijis, Lauren De Wit, Roelof Hut, David Hazlerigg, Ambient Temperature Effects on the Spring and Autumn Somatic Growth Trajectory Show Plasticity in the Photoneuroendocrine Response Pathway in the Tundra Vole. Journal of Biological Rhythms. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/07487304231190156
  13. Tomotani Barbara M.Timpen Fabian and Spoelstra Kamiel, 2023 Ingrained city rhythms: flexible activity timing but more persistent circadian pace in urban birds Proc. R. Soc. B.2902022260520222605
  14. Lean FZX, Cox R, Madslien K, Spiro S, Nymo IH, Bröjer C, Neimanis A, Lawson B, Holmes P, Man C, Folkow LP, Gough J, Ackroyd S, Evans L, Wrigglesworth E, Grimholt U, McElhinney L, Brookes SM, Delahay RJ, Núñez. Tissue distribution of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor in wild animals with a focus on artiodactyls, mustelids and phocids. One Health 16: 100492
  15. Davidson RK, Fæste CK, Uhlig S, Tukun F-L, Lian H, Solvang HA, Thorvaldsen R, Folkow LP, Romano JS, Kilvær MV, Holmgren KE, Nymo IH (2023) Pharmakcokinetics of a long-acting subcutaneous eprinomectin injection in semi-domesticated reindeer (rangifer tarandus tarandus) – a pilot study. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol 97: 104041
  16. Nymo IH, Siebert U, Baechlein C, Postel A, Breines EM, Lydersen C, Kovacs KM, Tryland M (2023) Pathogens exposure in white whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in Svalbard, Norway. Pathogens12:58.
  17. Flekkøy EG, Folkow LP, Kjelstrup S, Mason MJ, Wilhelmsen Ø (2023) Thermal modeling of the respiratory turbinates in arctic and subtropical seals. J Therm Biol 112: 103402
  18. Tryland M, Romano JS, Nymo IH, Mørk T, Þórarinsdóttir R, Breines EM, Li H, Cunha CW, Thórisson SG (2023) A screening for virus infections among wild Eurasian tundra reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) in Iceland, 2017-2019. Viruses, 15: 317
  19. Gaetano P, Duarte V, Striberny A, Hazlerigg D, Jørgensen EH, Campinho MA, Fuentes J (2023) Photoperiod and dietary treatment in freshwater modulate the short-term intestinal response to seawater in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Aquaculture 568: 739316 


  1. Blix AS, Folkow LP, Mercer JB (2022) The history of thermal physiology in Norway. Ch. 12 in: Blatteis CM, Taylor NAS, Mitchell D (eds) Thermal History – A Worldwide History, Perspectives in Physiology. The American Physiological Society, Springer, New York, pp.569-596,
  2. Dell KJ, Blix AS (2022) The Norwegian philosopher Peter Wessel Zapffe (1899-1990) and the book of Job. Trans R Norw Soc Sci Lett 2022(1), 5-25
  3. Geβner C, Krüger A, Folkow LP, Fehrle W, Mikkelsen B, Burmester T (2022) Transcriptomes suggest that pinniped and cetacean brains have a high capacity for aerobic metabolism while reducing energy-intensive processes such as synaptic transmission. Front Mol Neurosci 15: Article 877349
  4. Hamilton CD, Lydersen C, Aars J, Acquarone M, Atwood T, Baylis A, Biuw M, Boltunov AN, Born EW, Boveng P, Brown TM, Cameron M, Citta J, Crawford J, Dietz R, Elias J, Ferguson SH, Fisk A, Folkow LP, Frost KJ, Glazov DM, Granquist SM, Gryba R, Harwood L, Haug T, Heide-Jørgenssen MP, Hussey NE, Kalinek J, Laidre KL, Liovka DI, London JM, Loseto LL, MacPhee S, Marcoux M, Matthews CJD, Nilssen K, Nordøy ES, O’Corry-Crowe G, Øien N, Olsen MT, Quakenbush L, Rosing-Asvid A, Semenova V, Shelden KE, Shpak OV, Stenson G, Storrie L, Sveegaard S, Teilmann J, Ugarte F, Von Duyke AL, Watt C, Wiig Ø, Wilson, RR, Yurkowski DJ, Kovacs KM (2022) Marine mammal hotspots across the circumpolar Arctic. Diversity and Distribution 00:1-25
  5. Hansen KK, Turi I, Sundset MA, Mathiesen SD (2022) Bridging traditional and scientific knowledge on reindeer meat smoking – a pilot study. Int J Circumpol. Health 81: 2073056
  6. Sundset MA, Sandvoll R (2022) Academic development through a collective approach – introducing peer observation of teaching in a multidisciplinary faculty. Nordic Journal of STEM Education, 6(1): 16-27
  7. Grecian WJ, Stenson GB, Biuw M, Boehme L, Folkow LP, Goulet PJ, Jonsen ID, Malde A, Nordøy ES, Rosing-Asvid A, Smout S (2022) Environmental drivers of population-level variation in the migratory and diving ontogeny of an Arctic top predator. R. Soc. Open Sci. 9: 211042




  1. Gundappa MK, To T-H, Grønvold L, Martin SAM, Lien S, Geist J, Hazlerigg D, Sandve SR, Macqueen DJ (2021) Genome-wide reconstruction of rediploidization following autopolyploidization across one hundred million years of salmonid evolution. Mol Biol Evol
  2. Blix AS (2021) Biografi over Theodor Christian Brun Frølich (29. September 1870 – 14. August 1947). Årbok 2020 fra Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab, 65-70
  3. Eerkes-Medrano D, Aldridge D, Blix AS (2021) North Atlantic minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) feeding habits and migrations evaluated by stable isotope analysis of baleen. Ecology and Evolution 11(22):16344-16353
  4. Marmol-Guijarro AC, Folkow LP, Codd JR (2021) The influence of snow properties on speed and gait in the Svalbard rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta hyperborea). Integrative Organismal Biology 3(1):obab021.doi: 10.1093/iob/obab021. eCollection 2021.
  5. Wege M, Bornemann H, Blix AS, Nordøy ES, Biddle L, Bester MN (2021) Distribution and habitat suitability of Ross seals in warming ocean. Front Mar Sci 8:659430
  6. Marmol-Guijarro A, Nudds R, Folkow LP, Lees J, Codd JR (2021) Does posture explain the kinematic differences in a grounded running gait between male and female Svalbard rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta hyperborea) moving on snow? Polar Biol
  7. Ebling FJP, Fletcher J, Hazlerigg DG (2021) Gerald Lincoln: A man for all seasons. J Endocrinol 00:e12968,
  8. van Rosmalen L, van Dalum J, Appenroth D, Roodenrijs RTM, de Wit L, Hazlerigg DG, Hut RA (2021) Mechanisms of temperature modulation in mammalian seasonal timing. The FASEB Journal, 35:e21605
  9. Appenroth D, Wagner GC, Hazlerigg DG, West AC (2021) Evidence for circadian-based photoperiodic timekeeping in Svalbard ptarmigan, the northernmost resident bird. Current Biol 31:1-8
  10. West AC, Mizoro Y, Wood SH, Ince LM, Iversen M, Jørgensen EH, Nome T, Sandve SR, Martin SAM, Loudon ASI, Hazlerigg DG (2021) Immunologic profiling of the Atlantic salmon gill by single nuclei transcriptomics. Frontiers in Immunology 12:669889
  11. Appenroth D, Nord A, Hazlerigg DG, Wagner GC (2021) Body temperature and activity rhythms under different photoperiods in high Arctic Svalbard ptarmigan (Lagopus muta hyperborea). Front Physiol 12:633866
  12. Pinzone M, Nordøy ES, Eppe G, Malherbe C, Das K, Collard F (2021) First record of plastic debris in the stomach of a hooded seal pup from the Greenland Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 167:112350
  13. Ushida K, Kock R, Sundset MA (2021) Special issue: wildlife microbiology. Microorganisms 9, 1968.
  14. Poto MP, Elvevoll EO, Sundset MA, Eilertsen K-E, Morel M, Jensen I-J (2021) Suggestions for a systematic regulatory approach to ocean plastics. Foods, 10, 2197.
  15. Iversen M, Mulugeta T, West AC, Jørgensen EH, Martin SAM, Sandve SR, Hazlerigg D (2021) Photoperiod-dependent developmental reprogramming of the transcriptional response to seawater entry in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). G3 journal 11:jkab072
  16. Markussen FAF, Melum VJ, Bothorel B, Hazlerigg DG, Simmoneaux V, Wood S (2021) A refined method to monitor arousal from hibernation in the European hamster. BMC Veterinary Research (2021) 17:14
  17. Striberny A, Lauritzen DE, Fuentes J, Campinho MA, Gaetano P, Duarte V, Hazlerigg DG, Jørgensen EH (2021) More than one way to smoltify a salmon? Effects of dietary and light treatment on smolt development and seawater growth performance in Atlantic salmon. Aquaculture 532:736044
  18. Hamilton CD, Lydersen C, Aars J, Biuw M, Boltunov AN, Born EW, Dietz R, Folkow LP, Glazov DM, Haug T, Heide-Jørgenssen MP, Kettemer LE, Laidre KL, Øien N, Nordøy ES, Rikardsen AH, Rosing-Asvid A, Semenova V, Shpak OV, Sveegaard S, Ugarte F, Wiig Ø, Kovacs KM (2021) Marine mammal hotspots in the Greenland and Barents Seas. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 659: 3-28
  19. Wood SH (2021) The Pars Tuberalis and seasonal timing. In (eds: Ebling FJP, Piggins HD) Neuroendocrine Clocks and Calendars, Ch. 2, Masterclass in Neuroendocrinology 10, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, pp. 33-54 ISBN 978-3-030-55642-6
  20. West AC, Hazlerigg DH, Greier G (2021) Calendar timing in Teleost fish. In (eds: Ebling FJP, Piggins HD) Neuroendocrine Clocks and Calendars, Ch. 7, Masterclass in Neuroendocrinology 10, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, pp. 143-162 ISBN 978-3-030-55642-6




  1. Blix AS (2020) A possible cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Medical Hypotheses 136:109520
  2. Krüger A, Fabrizius A, Mikkelsen B, Siebert U, Folkow LP, Burmester T (2020) Transcriptome analysis reveals a high aerobic capacity in the whale brain. Comp Biochem Physiol A 240:110593
  3. van Dalum J, Melum VJ, Wood SH, Hazlerigg DG (2020) Maternal photoperiodic programming: melatonin and seasonal synchronization before birth. Frontiers in Endocrinology 10:Article 901
  4. Mason MJ, Wenger LMD, Hammer Ø, Blix AS (2020) Structure and function of respiratory turbinates in phocid seals. Polar Biol 43:157-173
  5. Hindell MA, Reisinger RR, Ropert-Coudert Y, Hückstädt LA, Trathan PN, Bornemann H, Charrassin J-B, Chown SL, Costa DP, Danis B, Lea M-A, Thompson D, Torres LG, Van de Putte AP, Alderman R, Andrews-Goff V, Arthur B, Ballard G, Bengtson J, Bester MN, Blix AS, Boehme L, Bost C-A, Boveng P, Cleeland J, Constantine R, Corney S, Crawford RJM, Dalla Rosa L, de Bruyn PJN, Delord K, Descamps S, Double M, Emmerson L, Fedak M, Friedlaender A, Gales N, Goebel ME, Goetz KT, Guinet C, Goldsworthy SD, Harcourt R, Hinke JT, Jerosch K, Kato A, Kerry KR, Kirkwood R, Kooyman GL, Kovacs KM, Lawton K, Lowther AD, Lydersen C, Lyver PO’B, Makhado AB, Márquez MEI, McDonald BI, McMahon CR, Muelbert M, Nachtsheim D, Nicholls KW, Nordøy ES, Olmastroni S, Phillips RA, Pistorius P, Plötz J, Pütz K, Ratcliffe N, Ryan PG, Santos M, Southwell C, Staniland I, Takahashi A, Tarroux A, Trivelpiece W, Wakefield E, Weimerskirch H, Wienecke B, Xavier JC, Wotherspoon S, Jonsen ID, Raymond B (2020) Tracking of marine predators to protect Southern Ocean ecosystems. Nature
  6. Ropert-Coudert Y, Van de Putte AP, Reisinger RR, Bornemann H, Charrassin J-B, Costa DP, Danis B, Hückstädt LA, Jonsen ID, Lea M-A, Thompson D, Torres LG, Trathan PN, Wotherspoon S, Ainley DG, Alderman R, Andrews-Goff V, Arthur B, Ballard G, Bengtson J, Bester MN, Blix AS, Boehme L, Bost C-A, Boveng P, Cleeland J, Constantine R, Crawford RJM, Dalla Rosa L, de Bruyn PJN, Delord K, Descamps S, Double M, Emmerson L, Fedak M, Friedlaender A, Gales N, Goebel ME, Goetz KT, Guinet C, Goldsworthy SD, Harcourt R, Hinke JT, Jerosch K, Kato A, Kerry KR, Kirkwood R, Kooyman GL, Kovacs KM, Lawton K, Lowther AD, Lydersen C, Lyver PO’B, Makhado AB, Márquez MEI, McDonald BI, McMahon CR, Muelbert M, Nachtsheim D, Nicholls KW, Nordøy ES, Olmastroni S, Phillips RA, Pistorius P, Plötz J, Pütz K, Ratcliffe N, Ryan PG, Santos M, Southwell C, Staniland I, Takahashi A, Tarroux A, Trivelpiece W, Wakefield E, Weimerskirch H, Wienecke B, Xavier JC,Raymond B Hindell MA (2020) The retrospective analysis of Antarctic tracking data project. Scientific Data 7:94 (11pp)
  7. Marmol-Guijarro A, Nudds R, Folkow L, Codd J (2020) Examining the accuracy of trackways for predicting gait selection and speed of locomotion. Frontiers in Zoology 17:17
  8. Nord A, Hegemann A, Folkow LP (2020) Reduced immune responsiveness contributes to winter energy conservation in an Arctic bird. J Exp Biol 223: jeb219287
  9. Solberg SBB, Kjelstrup S, Manganelli E, Kizilova N, Casado Barroso IL, Acquarone M, Folkow LP (2020) Energy efficiency of respiration in mature and newborn reindeer. J Comp Physiol B 190(4), 509-520
  10. Lomet D, Druart X, Hazlerigg D, Beltramo M, Dardentes H (2020) Circuit-level analysis identifies target genes of sex steroids in ewe seasonal breeding. Mol Cell Endocrinol 512: 110825
  11. Sáenz de Miera C, Beymer M, Routledge K, Król E, Selman C, Hazlerigg DG, Simonneaux V (2020) Photoperiodic regulation in a wild-derived mouse strain. J Exp Biol 223: jeb217687
  12. Iversen M, Mulugeta T, Blikeng BG, West AC, Jørgensen EH, Sandven SR, Hazlerigg D (2020) RNA profiling identifies novel, photoperiod-history dependent makers associated with enhanced saltwater performance in juvenile Atlantic salmon. PLoS ONE 15(4): e0227496
  13. Tyler NJC, Gregorini P, Parker KL, Hazlerigg DG (2020) Animal responses to environmental variation: physiological mechanisms in ecological models of performance in deer (Cervidae). Animal Production Science
  14. Appenroth D, Melum VJ, West AC, Dardentes H, Hazlerigg DG, Wagner GC (2020) Photoperiodic induction without light-mediated circadian entrainment in a high-Arctic resident bird. J Exp Biol 223, jeb220699
  15. Wood SH, Hindle MM, Mizoro Y, Cheng Y, Saer BRC, Miedzinska K, Christian HC, Begley N, McNeilly J, Meddle SL, Burt DW, Loudon ASI (2020) Circadian clock mechanism driving mammalian photoperiodism. Nature Communications 11:4291
  16. West AC, Iversen M, Jørgensen EH, Sandve SR, Hazlerigg DG, Wood SH (2020) Diversified regulation of circadian clock gene expression following whole genome duplication. PLoS Genetics16:e1009097
  17. Gessner C, Stillger MN, Mölders N, Fabrizius A, Folkow LP, Burmester T (2020) Cell culture experiments reveal that high S100B and clusterin levels may convey hypoxia-tolerance to the hooded seal (Cystophora cristata) brain. Neuroscience 451: 226-239
  18. Acquarone M, Salgado-Flores A, Sundset MA (2020) The bacterial microbiome in the small intestine of hooded seals (Cystophora cristata). Microorganisms 8:1664
  19. van Rosmalen L, van Dalum J, Hazlerigg DG, Hut RA (2020) Gonads or body? Differences in gonadal and somatic photoperiodic growth response in two vole species. J Exp Biol 223, jeb230987
  20. de la Vega C, Mahaffey C, Tuerena RE, Yurkowski DJ, Ferguson SH, Stenson GB, Nordøy ES, Haug T, Biuw M, Smout S, Hopkins J, Tagliabue A, Jeffreys RM (2020) Arctic seals as tracers of environmental and ecological change. Limnol Oceanogr Lett
  21. Blix AS (2020) Peter Jul Melleby in memoriam. Polarboken 2019 – 2020. Oslo, Norsk Polarklubb, pp. 138-140.
  22. Blix AS (2020) Livet på ishavet. Polarboken 2019-2020. Oslo, Norsk Polarklubb, pp. 50-54.
  23. Blix AS (2020) M/S Polstjerna fra Moen – Norges fineste selfangstskute. Sønderled og Risør Historielag Årbok 2020, pp. 5-12.




  1. Węgrzyn MH, Wietrzyk-Pełka P, Galanty A, Cykowska-Marzencka B, Sundset MA (2019) Incomplete degradation of lichen usnic acid and atranorin in Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus). Polar Research 38, 3375
  2. Salgado-Flores A, Tveit AT, Wright A-D, Pope PB, Sundset MA (2019) Characterization of the cecum microbiome from wild and captiverock ptarmigans indigenous to Arctic Norway. PLoS ONE 14(3):e0213503
  3. Alvira-Iraizoz F, Nordøy ES (2019) Evidence of seawater drinking in fasting subadult hooded seals (Cystophora cristata). J Anim Behav Biometeorol 7:52-59
  4. Dardente H, Wood S, Ebling F, Sáenz de Miera (2019) An integrated view of mammalian seasonal endocrinology. J Endocrinol 31:e12729
  5. Pasquali V, Calizza E, Setini A, Hazlerigg D, Christoffersen KS (2019) Preliminary observations on the effect of light and temperature on the hatching success and rate of Lepidurus arcticus eggs. Ethology, Ecology & Evolution
  6. Nord A, Folkow LP (2019) Ambient temperature effects on stress-induced hyperthermia in Svalbard ptarmigan. Biology Open 8:bio043497
  7. Striberny A, Jørgensen EH, Klopp C, Magnanou E (2019) Arctic charr brain transcriptome strongly affected by summer seasonal growth but only subtly by feed deprivation. BMC Genomics 20:529
  8. Hazlerigg DG, Tyler NT (2019) Activity patterns in mammals: Circadian dominance challenged. PLoS Biology 17(7):e3000360
  9. Marmol-Guijarro A, Nudds R, Marrin J, Folkow LP, Codd J (2019) Terrestrial locomotion of the Svalbard rock ptarmigan: comparing field and laboratory treadmill studies. Scientific Reports 9:11451
  10. Dardente H, Lomet D, Chesneau D, Pellicer-Rubio M-T, Hazlerigg D (2019) Discontinuity in the molecular neuroendocrine response to increasing daylengths in the Ile-de-France ewes: Is transient Dio2 induction a key feature of circannual timing? J Neuroendocrinol 2019:e12775
  11. Denker E, Ebbesson LO, Hazlerigg DG, Macqueeen DJ (2019) Phylogenetic reclassification of vertebrate melatonin receptors to include Mel1d. G3: Genes Genomes Genetics 9(10):3225-3238
  12. Blévin P, Aars J, Andersen M, Blanchet M-A, Hanssen L, Herzke D, Jeffreys RM, Nordøy ES, Pinzone M, de la Vega C, Routti H (2019) Pelagic vs coastal – key drivers of pollutant levels in Barents Sea polar bears with contrasted space-use strategies. Environ Sci Technol
  13. Nymo IH, Davidson RK, Gilhuus M, Holmgren K, Mørk T, Lian H, Thorvaldsen R, Solvang HA, Folkow L, Tryland M (2019) Egglederbetennelse hos Svalbardryper i fangenskap. Norsk Veterinærtidsskrift 131(7):444-445
  14. Bradley MM, Perra M, Ahlstrøm Ø, Jenssen BM, Jørgensen EH, Fuglei E, Muir DCG, Sonne C (2019) Mandibular shape in farmed Arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus) exposed to persistent organic pollutants. Sci Tot Environ 646:1063-1068




  1. Nord A, Folkow LP (2018) Seasonal variation in the thermal responses to changing environmental temperature in the world’s northernmost land bird. J Exp Biol doi:10.1242/jeb.171124
  2. Lomet D, Piégu B, Wood SH, Dardentes H (2018) Anti-angiogenic VEGFAxxxb transcripts are not expressed in the medio-basal hypothalamus of the seasonal sheep. PLoS ONE 13(5): e 0197123
  3. West AC, Wood SH (2018) Seasonal physiology: making the future a thing of the past. Curr Opin Physiol 5: 1-8
  4. Gauthier PT, Evenset A, Christensen GN, Jørgensen EH, Vijayan MM (2018) Lifelong exposure to PCBs in the remote Norwegian Arctic disrupts the plasma stress metabolome in arctic charr. Environ Sci Technol 52: 868-876. doi:10.1021/acs.est.7b05272
  5. Sonne C, Andersen-Ranberg E, Rajala EL, Agerholm JS, Bonefeld-Jørgensen E, Desforges J-P, Eulaers I, Jenssen BM, Koch A, Rosing-Asvid A, Siebert U, Tryland M, Mulvad G, Härkönen T, Acquarone M, Nordøy ES, Dietz R, Magnusson U (2018) Seroprevalence for Brucella spp. In the Baltic ringed seal (Phoca hispida) and East Greenland harp (Pagophilus groenlandicus) and hooded (Cystophora cristata) seals. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 198: 14-18.
  6. Blix AS (2018) Adaptations to deep and prolonged diving in phocid seals. J Exp Biol 221:jeb182972
  7. Blanchet M-A, Acquarone M, Biuw M, Larsen R, Nordøy ES, Folkow LP (2018) A life after research? First release of harp seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus) after temporary captivity for scientific purposes. Aquatic Mammals 44(4): 343-356
  8. Hazlerigg D, Lomet D, Lincoln G, Dardentes H (2018) Neuroendocrine correlates of the critical day length response in the Soay sheep. J Neuroendocrin 2018;e12631 https://doi.rog/10.1111/jne.12631
  9. Andersen-Ranberg EU, Barnes CJ, Rasmussen L, Salgado-Flores A, Grøndahl C, Mosbacher JB, Hansen AJ, Sundset MA, Schmidt NM, Sonne C (2018) A comparative study on the faecal bacterial community and potential zoonotic bacteria of muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) in northeast Greenland, northwest Greenland and Norway. Microorganisms 6, 76;
  10. Strand JET, Hazlerigg D, Jørgensen EH (2018) Photoperiod revisited: is there a critical day length for triggering a complete parr-smolt transformation in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar) J Fish Biol 93: 440-448
  11. Hansen KK, Sundset MA, Folkow LP, Nilsen M, Mathiesen SD (2018) Enteric methane emissions are lower from reindeer fed lichens compared to a concentrate feed. Polar Research 37:1, 1505396,
  12. Wood SH (2018) How can a binary switch within pars tuberalis control seasonal timing of reproduction? J Endocrinol 239: R13-R25



  1. Hoff MLM, Fabrizius A, Czech-Damal NU, Folkow LP, Burmester T (2017) Transcriptome analysis identifies key metabolic changes in the hooded seal (Cystophora cristata) brain in response to hypoxia and reoxygenation. PLoS ONE 12(1):e0169366. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0169366
  2. Folkow LP, Blix AS (2017) On the importance of understanding physiology when estimating energetics in cetaceans. Biology Open 6: 306-308
  3. Striberny A, Jørgensen EH (2017) Feedback from Arctic charr: Feed flavor stimulation and re-feeding after feed deprivation stimulates genes encoding both orexigenic and anorexigenic neuropeptides. Gen Comp Endocrinol 246:71-80.
  4. Lorgen M, Jorgensen EH, Jordan WC, Martin SAM, Hazlerigg DG (2017) NFAT5 genes are part of the osmotic regulatory system in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Marine Genomics 31: 25-31.
  5. Jørgensen EH, Haatuft A, Puvanendran V, Mortensen A (2017) Effects of reduced water exchange rate and oxygen saturation on growth and stress indicators of juvenile lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) in aquaculture. Aquaculture 474: 26-33.
  6. Jørgensen EH, Maule AG, Evenset A, Christensen G, Bytningsvik J, Frantzen M, Nikiforov V, Faught E, Vijayan MM (2017) Biomarker response and hypothalamus-pituitary-interrenal axia functioning in Arctic charr from Bjørnøya (74°30’N), Norway, with high levels of organohalogenated compounds. Aquat Toxicol 187: 64-71.
  7. Moghadam HK, Johnsen H, Robinson N, Andersen Ø, Jørgensen EH, Johnsen HK, Bæhr V, Tveiten H (2017) Impact of early life stress on the methylome and transcriptome of Atlantic salmon. Scientific Reports 7:5023
  8. Sáenz de Miera C, Bothorel B, Jaeger C, Simonneaux V, Hazlerigg D (2017) Maternal photoperiod programs hypothalamic thyroid status via the fetal pituitary gland. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 114: 8408-8413
  9. Desforges J-P, Levin M, Jasperse L, De Guise S, Eulaers I, Letcher RJ, Acquarone M, Nordoy E, Folkow L, Jensen TH, Grondahl C, Bertelsen MF, St Leger J, Almunia J, Sonne C, Dietz R (2017) Effects of polar bear and killer whale derived contaminant cocktails on marine mammal immunity. Environ Sci Technol 51; 11431-11439,
  10. Lomet D, Cognié J, Chesneau D, Dubois E, Hazlerigg D, Dardente H (2017) The impact of thyroid hormone in seasonal breeding has a restricted transcriptional signature. Cell Mol Life Sci DOI 10.1007/s00018-017-2667-x
  11. Hau M, Dominoni D, Casagrande S, Buck CL, Wagner G, Hazlerigg D, Greives T, Hut RA (2017) Timing as a sexually selected trait: the right mate at the right moment. Phil Trans R Soc B 372: 20160249.
  12. Hazlerigg D, Blix AS, Stokkan K-A (2017) Waiting for the sun: the circannual programme of reindeer is delayed by the recurrence of rhythmical melatonin secretion after the arctic night. J Exp Biol 220: 3869-3872 doi:10.1242/jeb.163741
  13. Philip AM, Jørgensen EH, Maule AG, Vijayan MM (2018) Extended fasting does not affect the liver innate immune response in rainbow trout. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 79: 67-74
  14. Rogstad T, Sonne C, Villanger GD, Ahlstrøm Ø, Fuglei E, Muir DCG, Jørgensen E, Jenssen BM (2017) Concentrations of vitamin A, E, thyroid and testosterone hormones in blood plasma and tissues from emaciated adult male Arctic foxes (Vulpes lagopus) dietary exposed to persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Environ Res 154: 284-290.
  15. Nordøy ES, Lager AR, Schots PC (2017) Seasonal changes in background levels of deuterium and oxygen-18 prove water drinking by harp seals, which affects the use of the doubly labelled water method. J Exp Biol 220: 4450-4455.
  16. Allern M, Sundset MA, Sandvoll R (2017) Peer observation of teaching as motivation for educational development – from teaching as private enterprise to a collective approach. 2nd EuroSoTL conference, June 8-9 2017, Lund, Sweden, 5 pp.
  17. Blix AS (2017) Arktisk Forening Tromsø 1947 – 2017. BokstavHuset AS, Tromsø ISBN 978-82-996604-1-9, 98 pp.
  18. Blix AS (2017) Fra herregård til herreklubb: Søndre Tollbodgate 1 i Tromsø. ISBN 978-82-991656-1-7
  19. Laws RM (2017) Large animals and wide horizons. Eds: Ian and Christine Parker and Arnoldus Schytte Blix, Janus Publishing Company LTD, Cambridge ISBN 978-1-85756-864-6




  1. Jørgensen EH, Bernier NJ, Maule AG, Vijayan MM (2016) Effect of long-term fasting and a subsequent meal on mRNA abundance of hypothalamic appetite regulators, central and peripheral leptin expression and plasma leptin levels in rainbow trout. Peptides 86: 162-170.
  2. Blix AS (2016) Om Nansenmedaljen og andre Nansenmedaljer. Den Norske Videnskaps-Akademi Årbok 2015, pp. 289-295.
  3. Tyler NJC, Stokkan K-A, Hogg CR, Nellemann C, Vistnes AI (2016) Cryptic impact: visual detection of corona light and avoidance of power lines by reindeer. Wildl Soc Bull 40:50-58 DOI: 10.1002/wsb.620
  4. Blix AS (2016) On Roald Amundsen’s scientific achievements. Polar Research 35, 31319,
  5. Wohlert D, Kröger J, Witt M, Schmitt O, Wree A, Czech-Damal N, Siebert U, Folkow L, Hanke F (2016) A comparative morphometric analysis of three cranial nerves in two phocids: The hooded seal (Cystophora cristata) and the harbor seal (Phoca vitulina). Anat Rec 299:370-378. doi: 10.1002/ar.23298
  6. Hoff MLM, Fabrizius A, Folkow LP, Burmester T (2016) An atypical distribution of lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes in the hooded seal (Cystophora cristata) brain may reflect a biochemical adaptation to diving. J Comp Physiol B 186:373-386. doi: 10.1007/s00360-015-0956-y.
  7. Blix AS (2016) Adaptations to polar life in mammals and birds. J Exp Biol 219: 1093-1105 doi:10.1242/jeb.120477
  8. Tyler NJC, Jacobsen K-O, Blix AS (2016) Behavioural responses of moulting barnacle geese to experimental helicopter noise and a predator. Can J Wildl Biol Management 5:10-23
  9. Salgado-Flores A, Hagen LH, Ishaq SL, Zamanzadeh M, Wright ADG, Pope PB, Sundset MA (2016) Rumen and cecum microbiomes in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) are changed in response to a lichen diet and may affect enteric methane emissions. PLoS ONE 11(5): e0155213 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0155213
  10. Tyler N, Stokkan K-A, Nellemann C, Vistnes AI, Hogg CR (2016) Ultrafiolett synsevne og unnvikelse av kraftledninger hos rein. Villreinen 31:78-82
  11. Blix AS, Kuttner S, Messelt EB (2016) Ascending aorta of hooded seals with particular emphasis on its vasa vasorum. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 311:R144-R149.
  12. Tyler NJC, Gregorini P, Forchhammer MC, Stokkan K-A, van Oort BEH, Hazlerigg DG (2016) Behavioral timing without clockwork: photoperiod-dependent trade-off between predation hazard and energy balance in an arctic ungulate. J Biol Rhythms 31:522-533 doi:10.1177/0748730416662778
  13. Dardente H, Wyse CA, Lincoln GA, Wagner GC, Hazlerigg DG (2016) Effects of photoperiod extension on clock gene and neuropeptide RNA expression in the SCN of the Soay sheep. PLoS ONE 11(7): e0159201 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0159201
  14. Salgado-Flores A, Bockwoldt M, Hagen LH, Pope PB, Sundset MA (2016) First insight into the faecal microbiota of the high Arctic muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus). Microbial Genom doi: 10.1099/mgen.0.000066
  15. Lorgen M, Jorgensen EH, Jordan WC, Martin SAM, Hazlerigg DG (2016) NFAT5 genes are part of the osmotic regulatory system in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Mar Genomics,
  16. Magnanelli E, Wilhelmsen Ø, Acquarone M, Folkow LP, Kjelstrup S (2016) The nasal geometry of the reindeer gives energy-efficient respiration. J Non-Equil Thermodyn 42:59-78, DOI: 10.1515/jnet-2016-0038
  17. Fabrizius A, Hoff MLM, Engler G, Folkow LP, Burmester T (2016) When the brain goes diving: transcriptome analysis reveals a reduces aerobic energy metabolism and increased stress proteins in the seal brain. BMC Genomics 17:583 doi:10.1186/s12864-016-2892-y
  18. Geiseler S, Larson J, Folkow LP (2016) Synaptic transmission despite severe hypoxia in hippocampal slices of the deep-diving hooded seal. Neurosci 334: 39-46.
  19. Gurarie E, Bengtson JL, Bester MN, Blix AS, Cameron M, Bornemann H, Nordøy ES, Plötz J, Steinhage D, Boveng P (2016) Distribution, density and abundance of Antarctic ice seals off Queen Maud Land and the eastern Weddell Sea. Polar Biol doi:10.1007/s00300-016-2029-4
  20. Pasquali V, Gualtieri R, D’Alessandro G, Granberg M, Hazlerigg D, Cagnetti M, Leccese F (2016) Monitoring and analyzing of circadian and ultradian locomotor activity based on Raspberry-Pi. Electronics 5:58 doi:10.3390/electronics5030058
  21. Schots PC, Bue ME, Nordøy ES (2016) Hooded seal (Cystophora cristata) pups ingest snow and seawater during their post-weaning fast. J Comp Physiol B 187: 493-502 DOI: 10.1007/s00360-016-1048-3




  1. Ishaq SL, Sundset MA, Crouse J, Wright ADG (2015) High-throughput DNA sequencing of the moose rumen from different geographical locations reveals a core ruminal methanogenic archaeal diversity and a differential ciliate protozoal diversity. Microbial Genomics DOI: 10.1099/mgen.0.000034
  2. Blix AS (2015) Om en glemt slede fra en glemt ekspedisjon. Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi. Årbok 2014. Det Norske Videnskapsakademi, Oslo, pp. 383-386
  3. Blix A (2015) Richard Maitland Laws (1926-2014), CBE, FRS, ScD. Polar Res 34: 30182 (obituary)
  4. Blix AS, Kvadsheim PH, Kholodova MV, Sokolov V, Messelt EB, Tyler NJC (2015) Superb winter fur insulation in the small Siberian musk deer (Moschus moschiferus). Rangifer 35: 53-60.
  5. Stevenson TJ, Visser ME, Arnold W, Barrett P, Biello S, Dawson A, Denlinger DL, Dominoni D, Ebling FJ, Elton S, Evans N, Ferguson HM, Foster RG, Hau M, Haydon DT, Hazlerigg DG, Heideman P, Hopcraft JGC, Jonsson NN, Kronfeld-Schor N, Kumar V, Lincoln GA, MacLeod R, Martin SAM, Martinez-Bakker M, Nelson RJ, Reed T, Robinson JE, Rock D, Schwartz WJ, Steffan-Dewenter I, Tauber E, Thackeray SJ, Umstatter C, Yoshimura T, Helm B (2015) Disrupted seasonal biology impacts health, food security and ecosystems. Proc R Soc B 282: 20151453
  6. Striberny A, Ravuri CS, Jobling M, Jørgensen EH (2015) Seasonal differences in relative gene expression of putative central appetite regulators in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) do not reflect its annual feeding cycle. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0138857, p.1-13
  7. Hogg C, Neveu M, Folkow L, Stokkan K-A, Kam JH, Douglas RH, Jeffery G (2015) The eyes of the deep diving hooded seal (Cystophora cristata) enhance sensitivity to ultraviolet light. Biol Open 4(7): 812-818 doi:10.1242/bio.011304
  8. Hazlerigg D, Simonneaux V (2015) Seasonal regulation of reproduction in mammals. In (eds: T. Plant & A. Zeleznik): Knobil and Neill’s Physiology of Reproduction (4th edition), ch. 34, pp. 1575-1604, Elsevier
  9. Geiseler SJ, Ludvigsen S, Folkow LP (2015) KATP-channels play a minor role in the protective hypoxic shut-down of cerebellar activity in eider ducks (Somateria mollissima). Neuroscience 284: 751-758
  10. Lorgen M, Casadei E, Król E, Douglas A, Birnie MJ, Ebbesson LOE, Nilsen TO, Jordan WC, Jørgensen EH, Dardentes H, Hazlerigg DG, Martin SAM (2015) Functional divergence of type 2 deiodinase paralogs in the Atlantic salmon. Current Biology 25: 936–941




  1. Falcón J, Coon SL, Besseau L, Cazaméa-Catalan D, Fuentès M, Magnanou E, Paulin C-H, Boeuf G, Sauzet S, Jørgensen EH, Mazan S, Wolf YI, Koonin EV, Steinbach PJ, Hyodo S, Klein DC (2014) Drastic neofunctionalization associated with evolution of the timezyme AANAT 500 Mya. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111:314-319.
  2. Dardentes H, Hazlerigg DG, Ebling FJP (2014) Thyroid hormone and seasonal rhythmicity. Front Endocrinol 5: Article 19.
  3. Glad T, Barboza P, Mackie RI, Wright A-DG, Brusetti L, Mathiesen SD, Sundset MA (2014) Dietary supplementation of usnic acid, an antimicrobial compound in lichens, does not affect rumen bacterial diversity or density in reindeer. Curr Microbiol 68:724-728 DOI 10.1007/s00284-014-0534-7.
  4. Tyler N, Stokkan K-A, Hogg C, Nellemann C, Vistnes A-I, Jeffery G (2014) Ultraviolet vision and avoidance of power lines in birds and mammals. Conserv Biol 28:630-631 DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12262.
  5. Bae S-E, Wright IK, Wyse C, Samson-Desvignes N, Le Blanc P, Laroche S, Hazlerigg DG, Johnston JD (2014) Regulation of pituitary MT1 melatonin receptor expression by gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and early growth response factor-1 (Egr-1): In vivo and in vitro studies. PLoS ONE 9(3): e90056.
  6. Larson J, Drew KL, Folkow LP, Milton SL, Park TJ (2014) No oxygen? No problem! Intrinsic brain tolerance to hypoxia in vertebrates. J Exp Biol 217:1024-1039.
  7. Acquarone M, Born EW, Griffiths D, Knutsen LØ, Wiig Ø, Gjertz I (2014) Evaluation of etorphine reversed by diprenorphine for the immobilization of free-ranging Atlantic walrus (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus L). NAMMCO Sci Publ 9:345-360-370 (DOI:
  8. Griffiths D, Born EW, Acquarone M (2014) Prolonged chemical restraint of walrus (Odobenus rosmarus) with etorphine supplemented with medetomidine. NAMMCO Sci Publ 9:361- (DOI:
  9. Blanchet M-A, Acquarone M, Siebert S (2014) Arktische Robben und Eisbären – Auswirkungen von Klimaerwärmung und Ressourcennutzung. Ch. 3.9: In (eds: J.L. Lozán, H. Graßl, D. Piepenburg, D. Notz) Warnsignal Klima: Die Polarregionen. Verlag Wissenschaftligche Auswertungen (ISBN 3980966860), pp. 183-191.
  10. Philip AM, Jørgensen EH, Maule AG, Vijayan MM (2014) Tissue-specific molecular immune response to lipopolysaccharide challenge in emaciated anadromous Arctic charr. Dev Comp Immunol 45:133-140.
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  1. Blix AS (1975) The importance of asphyxia for the development of diving bradycardia in ducks. Acta Physiol Scand 95:41-45


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  1. Blix AS, Berg T (1974) Arterial hypoxia and the diving responses of ducks. Acta Physiol Scand 92:566-568





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Arctic chronobiology and physiology

Arctic Chronobiology & Physiology research group
Department of Arctic and Marine Biology
UiT – The Arctic University of Norway. Tromsø NO-9037, Norway
+47 77 64 47 92
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