How to communicate your research?

There are still available seats for the PhD course GEN 8007 How to communicate your research, which runs from the 29th of April until the 6th of May. 

Photographer Jørn Berger-Nyvoll interviews Bodil Bluhm.
Photographer Jørn Berger-Nyvoll interviews Bodil Bluhm. Foto: Karine Nigar Aarskog/UiT
Portrettbilde av Aarskog, Karine Nigar
Aarskog, Karine Nigar Konstituert kommunikasjonssjef (til 1. september 2024), seniorrådgiver og faggruppeleder, formidling
Publisert: 27.01.22 15:13 Oppdatert: 27.01.22 15:27
Om UiT Samfunn og demokrati Studentliv / Studier

This course provides you with insight into the world of science communication and different ways to communicate your research to a wider public.

It might be easy to explain your research to your closest colleague but how do you gain interest for your research in media? This course will help you to become more confident in the role as communicator and we hope that it inspires you to become an active science communicator. We have invited speakers from media and science and they will help you to develop your own way to communicate.

If you are interested, register on Studentweb for the course until the 1rst of February.

Hoping to see many of you at the course!

Kortnytt fra Seksjon for forskning og utdanningskvalitet
Aarskog, Karine Nigar Konstituert kommunikasjonssjef (til 1. september 2024), seniorrådgiver og faggruppeleder, formidling
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