UiT campus Narvik holder stengt 29. januar 2016/ UiT Campus Narvik closed today

I tråd med politiets anbefaling har Universitetsdirektøren besluttet at UiT campus Narvik vil holde stengt fredag 29. januar 2016.
Following recommendations from the police, the Director of the University has decided that UiT Campus Narvik will be closed on Friday January 29, 2016.
Solhaug, Randi Merete
Publisert: 28.01.16 12:00 Oppdatert: 29.01.16 10:35

I tråd med politiets anbefaling har Universitetsdirektøren besluttet at UiT campus Narvik vil holde stengt fredag 29. januar 2016.
Den planlagte fusjonsmarkeringen er derfor avlyst.

Årsaken til dette er at politiet har mottatt en bombetrussel mot en skole i Narvik. Trusselen går ut på at det er plantet en bombe ved en av skolene i Narvik som vil gå av fredag klokken 12:00.

Se også: Bombetrussel mot skole i Narvik

In english:

Following recommendations from the police, the Director of the University has decided that UiT Campus Narvik will be closed on Friday January 29, 2016.

The scheduled celebration of the merger is therefore cancelled.

This decision has been made due to a bomb threat received by the police against a school in Narvik. According to this threat, a bomb set to go off on Friday at 12:00 has been placed at one of the schools in Narvik.


Kontaktperson for media:

Universitetsdirektør Lasse Lønnum

Solhaug, Randi Merete
Publisert: 28.01.16 12:00 Oppdatert: 29.01.16 10:35
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