EuPRA 2015: THE FRAMING OF EUROPE: Peace Perspectives on Europe’s Future

The UiT Centre for Peace Studies proudly hosts the 9th biennial conference on 2-4. September 2015:THE FRAMING OF EUROPE: Peace Perspectives on Europe’s Future.

The conference agenda is focusing on Europe and our neighbors in the East and South. How will Europe deal with the increasing number of immigrants on our doorsteps? How has Norway maintained a good relationship to Russia while central Europe is struggling to do the same? How can peace researchers’ best tackle the changes in our globalized world?


We have gathered peace researchers to debate these problems, among them are: Johan Galtung, Aude Fleurant, Oliver Richmond, Peter Nobel, Willem v. Eekelen, and many more.


Check out our programme for more details:

Starter: 02.09.15 kl 09.00
Slutter: 04.09.15 kl 14.00
Hvor: Aud 2.
Sted: Tromsø
Målgruppe: alle
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