Here you will find various videos about COAT's research and field activities
Ptarmigan, Norway, and Climate Change
Lemmings, Climate Change, and Norway
Insect defoliators, Climate Change, and the Forests in Norway
At the lab, Fram Centre, UiT - Soininen and Ehrich (Norwegian)
Time-lapse video from one of COAT's camera traps in Varanger
The Tundra in Pictures (Svalbard)
COAT Enlightened
Video from "At the lab" a part of Researchdays 2020 (in Norwegian). It's about the lemming and how COAT monitors it.
"The hunt" is edited by: Eeva Soininen
Vegetation monitoring on Svalbard with drones. Filmed by: Stein Tore Pedersen and edited by: Stijn Hofhuis
COAT Enlightened. Rolf Anker Ims