It is a lot of work and costs a lot of money to catch a red fox and equip it with a GPS collar. COAT has made these investments because this provides important knowledge about the effects of the red fox on other species - such as the Arctic fox and ptarmigans. Therefore, we ask you to be extra careful when hunting in the areas where the marked foxes roam. The foxes are equipped with a GPS collar that hangs down under the chin, but it can be quite well hidden in the winter fur. In addition, the foxes have ear tags that should make it easier to see that they are project participants.
The image (top right) shows the marking on a fox in summer fur. In the video, it is apparent that with winter fur and poor light, it can be difficult to see the markings. Unfortunately, several marked foxes have been accidentally shot.
If a fox with a collar is accidentally shot, the fox and the collar should be delivered to the Norwegian Nature Inspectorate (SNO).
Thank you for your cooperation!