Chloe Michelle Castle


  • Hanna Kędzierska, Karolina Rataj, Anna Balas, Zuzanna Cal, Chloe Michelle Castle, Magdalena Wrembel :
    Vowel perception in multilingual speakers: ERP evidence from Polish, English and Norwegian
    Frontiers in Psychology 2023 ARKIV / DOI
  • Hanna Kędzierska, Karolina Rataj, Anna Balas, Zuzanna Cal, Chloe Michelle Castle, Magdalena Wrembel :
    The neurophysiology of phonemic contrasts perception by multilingual listeners in diverse learning settings
  • Chloe Michelle Castle, Anna Skaɫba, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Cross Linguistic Influence in multilinguals: Do dominance and recency play a role?
  • Kamil Malarski, Chloe Michelle Castle, Helene Jensberg, Isabel Nadine Jensen :
    Orientation towards the vernacular and style-shifting as language behaviours in speech of first-generation Polish migrant communities speaking Norwegian in Norway
  • Kamil Malarski, Chloe Michelle Castle, Isabel Nadine Jensen :
    Polish learners and the Norwegian Language: So many dialects!
  • Chloe Michelle Castle, Kamil Malarski, Isabel Nadine Jensen, Helene Ruud Jensberg :
    Orientation towards the vernacular in the first-generation Polish migrant community speaking Norwegian in Norway
  • Chloe Michelle Castle, Isabel Nadine Jensen, Natalia Mitrofanova, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Investigating CLI in L3 morphosyntax through artificial languages: Aliensk
  • Chloe Michelle Castle, Isabel Nadine Jensen, Natalia Mitrofanova, Marit Kristine Richardsen Westergaard :
    Investigating CLI in multilingual acquisition through an artificial language
  • Chloe Michelle Castle, Isabel Nadine Jensen, Natalia Mitrofanova, Yulia Rodina, Marta Velnic, Marit Westergaard :
    Studying crosslinguistic influence in L3 by means of artificial language learning experiments

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