Lia Calinescu,
Gillian Catriona Ramchand,
Giosuè Baggio
Lexical semantics trumps syntax during noun composition in predication and modification contexts: Insights from the N400 and alpha and beta band synchronisation
Gillian Catriona Ramchand
Generativity, comparative grammar, and the syntax vs. the lexicon debates
Sergey Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Gustavo Guajardo,
Myrte Titia Vos,
Gillian C Ramchand
Aspect processing across languages: A visual world eye-tracking study
Frontiers in Language Sciences 2023
Lia Calinescu,
Gillian C Ramchand,
Giosuè Baggio
How (not) to look for meaning composition in the brain: A reassessment of current experimental paradigms
Frontiers in Language Sciences 2023
Sergey Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Gillian C Ramchand
Fine-grained time course of verb aspect processing
Sergey Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Gustavo Guajardo,
Myrte Titia Vos,
Gillian C Ramchand
Temporal Information and Event Bounding Across Languages: Evidence from Visual World EyeTracking
Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT proceedings) 2022
Enoch O. Aboh,
Guglielmo Cinque,
Alice Corr,
Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Bravo,
Gillian C Ramchand,
Vieri Samek-Lodovici
The Romance Inter-Views: Cartography
Isogloss. Open Journal of Romance Linguistics 2022
Gillian C Ramchand
Nonfinite Verbal Forms and Natural Language Ontology
Cambridge University Press 2022
Charlotte Sant,
Gillian C Ramchand
Occasional-type frequency adjectives and quantification over stages
Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT proceedings) 2022
Myrte Vos,
Serge Minor,
Gillian C Ramchand
Comparing infrared and webcam eye tracking in the Visual
World Paradigm
Glossa Psycholinguistics 2022
Gillian C Ramchand
Content, Modals and attitude predicates
Theoretical Linguistics 20. oktober 2020
Gillian C Ramchand
Truth is dead; long live the truth. Commentary on Conjoining Meanings by Paul Pietroski
Gillian C Ramchand
Verbal Symbols and Demonstrations Across Modalities
Gillian C Ramchand
Alternating adjectives
The Linguistic Review 2018
Renuka Ozarkar,
Gillian C Ramchand
Structure Matching and Structure Building in Marathi Complex Predicates
Journal of South Asian Languages and Linguistics 2018
Gillian C Ramchand
Grammatical vs. Lexical Formatives
De Gruyter Mouton 2018
Gillian C Ramchand
The Event Domain
Oxford University Press 2017
Bjørn Lundquist,
Martin Corley,
Mai Tungseth,
Antonella Sorace,
Gillian C Ramchand
Anticausatives are semantically reflexive in Norwegian but not in English
Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 2016
Holger Pötzsch,
John Mcnicol,
Sigurd Tønnessen,
Gillian Catriona Ramchand
Episode 5
Sergey Minor,
Anna Alexandra Kamenetski,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Charlotte Sant,
Myrte Titia Vos,
Gillian Catriona Ramchand
Electrophysiological Correlates of Minimal Phrasal Composition in Comprehension
Charlotte Sant,
Gillian C Ramchand
Occasional-type frequency adjectives: pluractionality and stages
Charlotte Sant,
Gillian C Ramchand
Occasional-type frequency adjectives and quantification over stages
Sergey Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Gustavo Guajardo,
Myrte Titia Vos,
Gillian C Ramchand
Aspect processing in Russian in comparison to English and Spanish: experimental evidence for semantic distinctions
Sergey Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Gustavo Guajardo,
Myrte Vos,
Gillian C Ramchand
Aspect Processing Across Languages Visual World Eye Tracking Evidence for Semantic Distinctions
Sergey Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Gustavo Guajardo,
Myrte Vos,
Gillian C Ramchand
Temporal Information and Event Bounding Across Languages. Evidence from Visual World Eye Tracking
Myrte Vos,
Sergey Minor,
Gillian C Ramchand
Exploring the efficacy of webcam-based eye tracking for Visual World experiments
Gillian C Ramchand,
Sergey Minor,
Myrte Vos
Comparing Infrared and Webcam-based Eye Tracking in the Visual World Paradigm
Gillian C Ramchand
Perfects, Modals and the Problem of Partial Contents
Gillian C Ramchand
The Productivity of Meaning Composition: Mysteries and Challenges
Gillian C Ramchand,
Charlotte Sant
Korleis gjer me stipendiatar til akademikarar? 11. mars 2021
Gillian C Ramchand,
Sergey Minor,
Myrte Vos,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Gustavo Guajardo
Aspect Processing Across Languages: Visual World Eye Tracking Evidence for Semantic Distinctions
Sergey Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Myrte Titia Vos,
Gillian C Ramchand
Processing Aspect in Russian and English: Evidence from Visual World Eye-Tracking
Sergey Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Gillian C Ramchand
The Processing of Grammatical Aspect by Russian-speaking Children and Adults: A Visual World Eye-Tracking Study
Sergey Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Myrte Vos,
Gillian C Ramchand
Processing Grammatical Aspect in a Visual World: English vs Russian
Sergey Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Gillian C Ramchand
The Processing and Acquisition of Grammatical Aspect in Russian: A Visual World Eye-Tracking Study
Sergey Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Gillian C Ramchand
The Processing and Acquisition of Russian Aspect: Evidence from VW Eye-Tracking
Sergey Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Gillian C Ramchand
The fine-grained time course of aspectual processing in Russian: A Visual World eye-tracking study
Sergey Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Gillian C Ramchand
Processing of grammatical aspect in Russian: a Visual World eye-tracking study
Gillian C Ramchand,
Sergey Minor
Stativity vs. Homogeneity: Similarities and Differences between the English Progressive and the Russian Imperfective
Gillian C Ramchand
Modal Meanings in a Truthmaker Semantics
Sergey Minor,
Natalia Mitrofanova,
Gillian C Ramchand
Processing of Grammatical Aspect in Russian: a Visual World Eye-tracking Study
Bjørn Lundquist,
Gillian C Ramchand,
Mai Tungseth,
Martin Corley,
Antonella Sorace,
Eva Wittenberg
Adventures in Structural Priming - The search for effects of Argument Structure
Gillian C Ramchand
The Verbal Symbol and Natural Language Ontology: Rethinking Event Kinds
Gillian C Ramchand
Pseudointensionality and the English Progressive
Gillian C Ramchand
Quotational Semantics: A New Ontology for Natural Language
Anna Katharina Pilsbacher,
Martin Krämer,
Gillian C Ramchand
Prepositional Phrase Attachment Ambiguities in German. A Cross-dialectal Experimental Study
UiT Norges arktiske universitet 2018
Gillian C Ramchand
Situations and Syntactic Structures--- A Plea for a New Ontology
Gillian C Ramchand,
Bjørn Lundquist,
Mai Tungseth,
Martin Corley,
Antonella Sorace
Across-verb priming of (in)transitivity within and across sentences in reading
Gillian C Ramchand,
Mai Tungseth,
Antonella Sorace,
Martin Corley,
Bjørn Lundquist
Crosslinguistic variation in event conceptualization: Evidence from the causative alternation.